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#1 2015-04-30 04:54:27

Registered: 2015-02-23
Posts: 949

How to Get an Interview for a Job of your Interest?

Tips For Getting An Interview For A Job Of Your Interest?

An Overview:

Are you at the job hunting phase, asking yourself – why am I not getting a job interview? What have I done wrong in my job search that I don’t get a call for an interview?
There is no difference between an experience worker and someone who has just started his career, a newcomer. If you are looking for a switch over, if it is your present job too boring or too demanding or you are looking for your first job after finishing graduation, you are on the same boat – Job search.
If you are, then there are few things that you need to keep in mind for securing an interview. If you can adopt these basic things, there is no way that you will miss out on any opportunity.

How To Secure An Interview On The Job Of Your Interest?

The most important thing that you need to do is to ‘Stand Out’. If you are able to differentiate yourself with the lots, you are sure to back an interview call. If you cannot, your chances are meager. So, how can one differentiate oneself from the rest? Following are the key factors, a few guidelines that will help you do the needful:

Prepare An Outstanding Resume:

First things first- You need to have an exceptional Resume made. But, why is a power resume required? Well, needless to say, first impression is always the last impression. If you happen to appear shabby or ignorant in the first line of communication i.e. sharing the resume; the employer is bound to preconceive that you are not professional enough. An employer may decline your profile without even considering it once. Thus, even if you have the right skills set and expertise you may still miss out an interview because of a shabby resume.
You can research for resume samples related to your field over this website (here) and others too. You can learn some key elements to know how to write a resume from scratch. You can hire a resume writer – There are many resume services available over the internet that you can approach for the task. These resume services have expertise in devising a powerful resume to be pitched around.

Write A Compelling Covering Letter:

It will be utterly foolish of you to send across your resume without an appropriate cover letter. A resume covering letter is a part of business etiquette and thus cannot be neglected. Essentially, a covering letter needs to be brief yet should convey useful information. You may choose to add an interesting closing link to the covering letter depending upon the industry of work. For instance: You may end the covering letter with a witty remark stating your candidature if you are applying to an advertising agency.

A Sub Document – Skill Sets, Expertise And References:

You may prepare a one page document stating your keys areas of expertise and how you have been able utilize the same while delivering on professional fronts. You may mention project reports, workshops, activities, specific actions, ideas, workshops etc. You may send across this document along with a resume and a covering letter. You can also add a separate job reference page.

Tailor Your Resume:

If you are distributing the one-size-fits-all resume, you are getting yourself to nowhere and probably missing some good job opportunities. As a job hunter, you have to prepare some templates or a draft of your resume and customize it to the job you are applying. Read carefully the job description and the position requirement and ask yourself if your resume addresses the employer needs.  Then, customize your resume draft to the job posting.


A good networking is all about building personal relationship with people around you.  It is all about speaking with people, making genuine connections that may give you the next job.  Therefore, connect with people in your niche, for example – key leaders in your fields, job recruiters, managers and HR managers. Tell people that you are in the status of a job hunter and you wouldn’t believe how many would want to help you – Speak to previous job’s friends, colleagues and to anyone who can assist you. Tell your story clear and precise. You never know where the opportunity will come from.

Use The Web For Your Job Search:

The Internet is a great tool for job search. The Internet provides the access you need to many places – Social networks such as Linkedin, professional job boards in your industry, recruiters’ websites, job portals, job ads and information on job vacancies. Browse the Internet on a daily basis, use it wisely and you may find available job openings.

Traditional Job Search:

Do not miss making the most of the old-school job searching methods that still work – Local newspapers, job boards or calling job recruiters in your area. Like all things in life, if you work hard enough, you will get what you want – the job interview. After you get that interview, the second issue is to prepare well for it.

2015-04-30 04:54:27

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