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#1 2012-04-02 06:07:23

From: Capital
Registered: 2012-03-16
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OPENMAT Exam Interview Questions And Answers

Certifications :: OPENMAT Exam Job Interview Questions and Answers

OPENMAT job interview questions and answers guideline. Lean OPENMAT Exam and get preparation for the job of OPENMAT

1 ► Arrange the following in a chronological order. A.Kheda Satyagraha B. Dandi March. C. Non Co-eopration Movement D Civil Disobedience Movement?
2 ► Arrange the follwoing in a chronological orderA.Kheda Satyagraha B.Dandi March C.NOn-Cooperation Movement D.Civil Disobedience Movement1.A,B,C,D 2.A,C,D,B 3.D,C,A,B 4.A,C,B,D
3 ► Which of the following is the correct chronological order of rulers
4 ► A path 7m wide surrounds a circular lawn whose diameter is 252m find the area of the path?
5 ► Which country does not belong to G8 group of nations?
6 ► At present the major part of which of the following central revenues goes to various state governments in India?
7 ► "Lay-up shot" is a term associated with which of the following games ?(1) Volleyball(3) Basketball(2) Throwball(4) Hand BalI
8 ► 2. Alexander the Great died in 323 B.C. in(1) Persia Q) BabYlon(3) Macedonia @) Taxilag. The scientist who was associated with the foodgrain revolution and also won the NobelPize for Peace is
9 ► The scientist who was associated with the foodgrain revolution and also won the NobelPize for Peace is(1) Dr. M.S. Swaminathan(2) Dr. N.E. Borlaug(3) Dr. S. Chandrashekhar(4) Willy Brandt
10 ► The first Indian ruler who accepted Subsidiary Alliance offered by Lord Wellesley in 1798was(1) Nawab of Oudh(2) Nizam of Hyderabad(3) Nawab of Carnatic(4) King of Mysore
11 ► Bats can sense obstacles because they produce(1) Supersonic sound waves(2) Ultrasonic sound waves(3) Infrasonic sound waves(4) Micro sound waves
12 ► Which of these is a modified underground stem(1) Radish(2) Carrot(3) Sweet potato(4) Potato
13 ► Who has authored the book Caesar and Cleopatra?(1) William Shakespeare(2) Charles Dickens(3) George Bernard Shaw(4) Matthew Arnold

2012-04-02 06:07:23

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