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#1 2015-05-02 05:26:23

Registered: 2015-02-23
Posts: 949

What are you Passionate About?

Tips For Answering Interview Question "What Are You Passionate About?"

An Overview:

It is relatively difficult to obtain a job these days. Whichever field you may be in, the number of jobs being offered is relatively low than the number of applicants.
In such hard pressed times, it is absolutely essential to perform your best at an interview and fill in the position as soon as possible.
“What are you passionate about?” This is yet another interview question that anyone is bound face.
No matter what job you may have applied for, this question may pop up anytime. If you have a valid answer with sufficient points for conviction; you may be able to freeze the opportunity.
So, how does one answer when prompted to answer the question- What is your career passion?
How can one make sure that he has addressed the concerns of the interviewer in the most suitable way?
Let us understand the process with the help of an example. Perhaps, this way, it will be easier to grasp the crux of it.



So what is your passion?

Apparent Need For The Question:

The interviewer intends to understand your behavior by asking the question. He would like to grasp your motivational traits and whether you are pursuing any of them or not. It does not matter for the interviewer if you have transformed your passion into your profession but it is more important for him to gauge if you are really working out on something that interests you a lot. If you are squeezing out time for your passion on a regular basis, you would surely be a bit more content and thus, perform better in your job. However, the best thing for an interviewer would always be to know that you have made your passion into your profession.

Interviewee 1:

“I am passionate about meeting people and interacting with them. I love to socialize and I remain intact with all my contacts all the time. I am an avid member of community groups, church choirs and the neighborhood sports team as well.”

Interviewee 2:

“I love to spend time playing guitar. For me, it is a time to unwind and ponder over the activities of the day passed. Of late, I have not been able to indulge much in it because of my erratic work schedule but I hope to get back to it soon.”


If the interviewer is looking for a ‘Sales Executive’, he would surely go in for the first interviewee as his passion meets the traits of an ideal Sales Manager.

2015-05-02 05:26:23

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