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#1 2012-04-02 06:20:16

From: Capital
Registered: 2012-03-16
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GIS Date Interview Questions And Answers

Analysis :: GIS Date Input and Editing Job Interview Questions and Answers

GIS Date Input and Editing Interview Questions and Answers will guide now that GIS data represents real world objects (roads, land use, elevation) with digital data. Real world objects can be divided into two abstractions: discrete objects (a house) and continuous fields (rain fall amount or elevation). So learn more about GIS Data with the help of this GIS Date Input and Editing Interview Questions with Answers guide

1 ► What are the three main types of data error?
2 ► What are the common problems faced when obtaining data from secondary sources?
3 ► Practical problems faced when scanning map documents include:
4 ► Which of the following can be a problem in manual digitizing?
5 ► Which of the following methods may be used to input paper maps into a GIS?
6 ► What is the data stream?
7 ► Which of the following methods may be used to check attribute data for errors?
8 ► What is rubber sheeting?
9 ► The Douglas-Peucker algorithm is:
10 ► Keyboard entry is no longer used in GIS projects.
11 ► When digitizing manually using a digitizing table, registration of the map on the digitizer table must take place before digitizing can begin.
12 ► In point, mode-digitizing points are added automatically at set time or distance intervals as the user moves the cursor across the map.
13 ► An experienced user should be able to digitize data with accuracy equal to the width of the line they are digitizing.
14 ► A cheap flatbed scanner could have an accuracy of 50 - 200 dpi.
15 ► RINEX is the abbreviation for Remote Information Exchange format.
16 ► DXF and NTF are examples of vector transfer formats.
17 ► A pseudonode is a node, which can be removed from a vector dataset without affecting the topology.
18 ► A sliver polygon may be the result of the same line on a map being digitized twice.
19 ► Repeated generalization will make the boundary of a polygon more precise.
20 ► Geocoding is the process of converting an address into a point location.

2012-04-02 06:20:16

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