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#1 2012-04-02 06:28:55

From: Capital
Registered: 2012-03-16
Posts: 23,140

Multimedia Interview Questions And Answers

Multimedia :: Multimedia Job Interview Questions and Answers

Multimedia Interview Questions and Answers will guide you that Multimedia is media and content that uses a combination of different content forms. The term Multimedia can be used as a noun and a medium with multiple content forms or as an adjective describing a medium as having multiple content forms. Its a simple Guide to learn Multimedia concepts by the help of our Multimedia Interview Questions and Answers. And get preparation of Multimedia jobs with help of our Multimedia Interview Questions

1 ► What is meaning of multimedia?
2 ► What is animation?
3 ► What is a ambeant acclusion?
4 ► What is the arc in animation?
5 ► What is mean by Rigging?
6 ► What are Multimedia Hardwares?
7 ► What are Multimedia Softwares?
8 ► What are the Multimedia Authoring Tools?

2012-04-02 06:28:55

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