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#1 2012-04-02 13:17:40

From: Capital
Registered: 2012-03-16
Posts: 23,140

Survey Interview Questions And Answers

Education and Science :: Survey Job Interview Questions and Answers

Survey Frequently Asked Questions in various Survey Interviews asked by the interviewer. So learn Survey with the help of this Survey Interview questions and answers guide and feel free to comment as your suggestions, questions and answers on any Survey Interview Question or answer by the comment feature available on the page.

1 ► Gender:
2 ► U.S. ethnic code:
3 ► College rank:
4 ► Which of the following science courses have you completed in high school or college (check all that apply):
5 ► Which of the following math courses have you completed in high school or college (check all that apply):
6 ► How many hours per week will you be working at a paid job this semester?
7 ► Do you expect to have child care responsibilities this semester that will sometimes conflict with classes?
8 ► What three words would you use to describe this organization to a friend?
9 ► Is this your first visit to our organization?
10 ► Have you ever visited this our organization for any of the following activities? (Check all that apply)
11 ► Did anything interfere with your ability to enjoy your visit today?
12 ► My highest level of education is:
13 ► My annual household income is:
14 ► Are you a local (Austin, San Marcos, Round Rock) resident?
15 ► Where did you stay last night?
16 ► Where will you stay tonight?
17 ► Are you traveling with children?
18 ► Do you regularly visit arts organizations when traveling?
19 ► When you arrived here today, were you traveling
20 ► How long ago did you make plans to visit our organization?
21 ► Where did you hear about tonights show?
22 ► Did you feel the ticket price of $10.00 for tonights event was:
23 ► Would you have paid $15.00?
24 ► Did you use an interpretive aid today?
25 ► If you did not use any interpretive aids today, why not?
26 ► Was the overall level appropriate for your class?
27 ► In preparing for the tour, overall these materials were:
28 ► What is your class standing?
29 ► How old are you?
30 ► Most people who live in this community can be trusted?
31 ► Most people in this community are willing to help if you need it.

2012-04-02 13:17:40

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