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#1 2012-04-02 13:53:28

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Astronomy Interview Questions And Answers

Education and Science :: Astronomy Job Interview Questions and Answers

Astronomy Interview Questions and Answers will Guide us now that Astronomy is the scientific study of celestial objects such as stars, planets, comets, and galaxies and phenomena that originate outside the Earths atmosphere such as the cosmic background radiation. Learn the basic and advance Astronomy Concepts by out Astronomy Interview Questions and Answers Guide.

1 ► How far away from earth, is space?
2 ► How does gravity affect life on Pluto?
3 ► How do clouds form?
4 ► How did the moon form?
5 ► How can space expand faster than the speed of light?
6 ► How big is Venus?
7 ► How big is the universe?
8 ► Does time stop at an event horizon?
9 ► Does non-carbon based life exist somewhere in the universe?
10 ► Do galaxies interact?
11 ► Do black holes really exist?
12 ► Did water come from comets?
13 ► Describe the Venus atmosphere.
14 ► How far from earth, is the moon?
15 ► How fast is the solar wind?
16 ► How have some stars had time to die since the universe began?
17 ► How is Saturn like earth?
18 ► How is Venus different to earth?
19 ► How is Venus like Earth?
20 ► How long is a day on Saturn?
21 ► How long is a year on Saturn?
22 ► How long is it until our solar system ceases to exist?
23 ► How many black holes are there?
24 ► How many earths can fit into Jupiter s great red spot?
25 ► How many moons do Ceres have?
26 ► How many moons does Jupiter have?
27 ► How many moons do Mars have?
28 ► How many moons does Neptune have?
29 ► How many moons does Saturn have?
30 ► How many moons does Uranus have?
31 ► How many planets are in the new solar system?
32 ► How many planets are now in the solar system?
33 ► How many stars are there in the whole universe?
34 ► How old is our earth?
35 ► How old is this universe?
36 ► How was the moon formed?
37 ► If gravity only attracts mass and if light does not have mass why does it appear to bend when passing a planet?
38 ► Is Pluto really a planet?
39 ► Is the gravitational pull on an object equalized if the object is at the centre of a planet, i.e. surrounded by the mass of the planet, which is creating the gravity?
40 ► Is the Moon escaping the earth?
41 ► Is there water in moon rock?
42 ► What are asteroids like?
43 ► What are gamma ray bursts?
44 ► A solar eclipse can only occur at a:
45 ► Which of the following constellations cannot be seen in the summer sky of the northern hemisphere?
46 ► What percent of stars in the sky that appear to be single stars are actually binary stars:
47 ► The apparent speed of the Sun along the ecliptic:
48 ► In the Australian winter night sky, which of the following is true regarding the constellation Orion:
49 ► The 29 ½ days it takes the Moon to complete an orbit around the Earth is called a:
50 ► Which of the following is NOT true about meteorites:
51 ► According to Keplers Third Law, plotting the squares of the periods of the planet against the cubes of the semi- major axes of their orbits will result in what sort of graph:
52 ► The time between two successive meridian transits of the Sun as observed from a stationary spot on the Earth’s surface is called:
53 ► The hydrogen envelope that surrounds the comets nucleus derives its hydrogen most directly from:
54 ► At a location half-way from the Equator to the North Pole, which of the following correctly describes the stars apparent motion:
55 ► Light from distant galaxies comes mostly from which of the following:
56 ► Which of the following is NOT a superior planet:
57 ► Which of the following planets has the highest escape velocity:
58 ► What is the term for the amount of energy released from each square meter of an objects surface each second:
59 ► Astronomers usually detect the electromagnetic emissions of a single neutron star in what single form:
60 ► An emission or bright line spectrum consists of:
61 ► Maria on the moon are:
62 ► Which of the following is NOT another name for the Pleiades?
63 ► Which of the following is a pulsating variable star whose brightness varies in a very regular time period of about 1-50 days:
64 ► Name the part of the Sun that we can see without any instruments:
65 ► All of Saturns moons are composed predominantly of what substance?
66 ► Rounded off to the nearest trillion, how many miles is in a light year?
67 ► Of the three types of meteorites, which is the most common, in terms of the number of samples, to fall to Earth in recorded history:
68 ► What are the scientific names for the two regions of a sunspot?
69 ► The Kappa Cygnids and the Northern Delta Aquarids are names for what phenomena?
70 ► What substance is responsible for Neptunes blue-green color?
71 ► Give the common name for the phenomenon which is the result of sunlight reflecting off the Earth and faintly illuminating the darkened portion of the moon:
72 ► Whos book, titled Concerning the Revolutions of Celestial Spheres, is considered to mark the birth of modern astronomy?
73 ► The celestial coordinate analogous to latitude is called:
74 ► What do Astronomers call the point in the sky that is directly overhead?
75 ► A meteor that reaches the surface of the Earth is more accurately called a:
76 ► Which planet in our solar system has the most circular orbit?
77 ► Mars has a thin atmosphere composed mainly of what gas?
78 ► Which moon is the only other body in our solar system, besides the Earth, that has an atmosphere of mostly nitrogen?
79 ► When a superior planet is at quadrature in reference to the Earth, what is its elongation in degrees?
80 ► What moon of Neptune orbits in a retrograde direction?
81 ► What is the name for the celestial body of interstellar gas and dust where stars are sometimes born?
82 ► Based on best altitude conditions, during what month in the northern hemisphere is it the best time to observe the full moon?
83 ► The work of this Harvard College Observatory scientist made possible the first accurate determination of extragalactic distances by what is often called Henriettas Law:
84 ► What term is most commonly used to refer to the actual motion that stars have in relation to each other, and over many years will lead to changes in the shapes of constellations?
85 ► What is the constant called that is the average flux of the Suns energy arriving at the Earth:
86 ► In a search for Planet X, this celestial body was found after astronomers had searched for an orbital disturbance of the planet Uranus:
87 ► Sam Langley invented what instrument, which allows astronomers to measure the energy output of the Sun and other stars:
88 ► How many half- moons are there in a lunar cycle?
89 ► The Persieds Meteor Showers are viewed in the State of Maine during what month?
90 ► This powerful telescope weighs about 11 tons, has a primary mirror 7.9 feet in diameter, and orbits about 380 miles above the earth:
91 ► In the Doppler effect, what is the correct term for the change in the color of light when an object that is emitting light is moving toward the observer?
92 ► What is the thinnest layer of the Suns atmosphere?
93 ► What are the only two planets to rotate from East to West?
94 ► The Magellan clouds are actually what type of celestial body?
95 ► If the temperature of a star increases from 10,000K to 30,000K, by what factor will the rate of energy radiated per second increase?
96 ► Most astronomers believe that these celestial bodies are at the center of quasars and are the main reason for their large energy emissions:
97 ► These doughnut shaped zones of atomic particles consists of electrons and protons captured by the Earths magnetic field from the solar winds and are called:

2012-04-02 13:53:28

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