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#1 2012-04-02 13:54:25
Chemistry Interview Questions And Answers
Education and Science :: Chemistry Engineering Job Interview Questions and Answers
Chemistry Engineering Interview Questions and Answers will teach us that Chemistry is the science concerned with the composition, structure, and properties of matter. And as well as the changes it undergoes during chemical reactions. Chemistry Interview Questions and Answers will also guide us that it is a physical science for studies of various atoms, molecules, crystals. Learn basic and advance concepts of Chemistry Engineering by Chemistry Engineering Interview Questions and Answers Guide.
1 ► What is an oxidizing agent?
2 ► What is the dipole moment of chlorooctane?
3 ► How do you extract ephedrine from a mineral block?
4 ► What are the hydrocarbons?
5 ► How do you prepare a solution of 1 M HCl?
6 ► What are KOH and HCl?
7 ► Is DNA organic?
8 ► What is hydra?
9 ► What is alum?
10 ► What is the difference between the law of multiple proportions and the law of definite proportions?
11 ► What is the structure of a DNA molecule?
12 ► What is a medicine dropper?
13 ► How many electrons are in benzene?
14 ► What is a dipole moment?
15 ► Where is tin obtained?
16 ► What are the differences between organic and inorganic chemistry?
17 ► How reactive is Trimethylindium towards oxygen and water?
18 ► What are the cons of eating organic foods?
19 ► How many moles of HCl are present in .70 L of a .33 M HCl solution?
20 ► What is the equation for photosynthesis?
21 ► What is a tripod? How it is used?
22 ► What is ciprofloxacin HCL used for what type?
23 ► What is protein in Chemistry?
24 ► Where does arsenic come from?
25 ► Do all explosions produce carbon dioxide?
26 ► What is the octet rule in chemistry?
27 ► Why chemists have not created a periodic table of compounds?
28 ► How do you solve Ideal Gas Law problems?
29 ► What is the direction of the dipole moment expected for hydrogen bromide?
30 ► What is a substituted hydrocarbon?
31 ► What is the net charge of a non-ionized atom?
32 ► Why acetic has less conductivity than Hcl?
33 ► What is the chemical formula of detergent?
34 ► How can you tell if there is a dipole moment or not?
35 ► Is benzene a polar molecule?
36 ► Is HCl an acid or a base?
37 ► What is the IUPAC name of benzene?
38 ► What wavelengths can the human eye see?
39 ► What makes a molecule into an organic molecule?
40 ► How are dipole attractions London dispersion forces and hydrogen bonding similar?
41 ► Which is polar HCl or HF?
42 ► How does spontaneous combustion occur?
43 ► What is the use of glacial acetic acid?
44 ► How do you separate the colors of ink?
45 ► What is some importance of organic chemistry?
46 ► What are 3 facts on evaporation?
47 ► Explain the method for the preparation of 1 normal solution of hydrochloric acid.
48 ► Can you show you the organic structure of cetearyl alcohol and tell me what organic family it is?
49 ► Are the chemical properties of lithium a metal metalloid or a nonmetal?
50 ► What is the chemical formula for Epsom salts?
51 ► Is benzene an element or a compound?
52 ► What is the full form of hcl?
53 ► What is the direction of the dipole moment expected for carbon tetrachloride?
54 ► What is the difference in the modern periodic table and Mendeleevs table?
55 ► What element was used to make the first atomic bomb?
56 ► How do you convert oxygen gas to liquid oxygen?
57 ► Is HCl polar or non-polar?
58 ► What is the chemical formula for dichromate?
59 ► What is the Ionic equation for HCL-NaOH?
60 ► What are some examples of a reversible reaction?
61 ► What is dipole-dipole force?
62 ► What is pH?
63 ► What are substrates?
64 ► What happens when quarks and anti-quarks collide?
65 ► What kind of bond does HCl have?
66 ► What is the molar mass of chlorine?
67 ► Why do some medications contain hcl?
68 ► What is the dipole moment direction for methanol?
69 ► What is Na2HPO4?
70 ► What is the product of HCl Zn?
71 ► Two common isotopes of carbon are carbon-12 and carbon-14. How are atoms of the isotopes different from one another?
72 ► What types of insulators are there?
73 ► What is the secondary structure of proteins?
74 ► Can a protein act as a buffer?
75 ► What is the difference between hcl acid and hcl gas?
76 ► What is the pH of an Alkyl Halide?
77 ► What are the benefits of doing your own chemistry homework?
78 ► What are 5 common uses of nitrogen?
79 ► How do you test a gas to see if it was hydrogen?
80 ► Draw the Lewis Dot Structure for CH4O.
81 ► What is Chemical formula for glass?
82 ► What is an example of a polysaccharide?
83 ► Explain the term distribution coefficient in organic chemistry.
84 ► What is an isomer?
85 ► What are the isomers of heptane?
86 ► Is Freon an element and if not what is it?
87 ► What is the atomic number and what does it tell you about the number of protons in an atom?
88 ► How many valence electrons does each of the elements in the periodic table have?
89 ► Why are elements arranged as they are in the periodic table?
90 ► What do centrioles do?
91 ► What is a triglyceride?
92 ► What is the function of mitochondria?
93 ► What are enzymes?
94 ► What is a hydrogen bond?
95 ► What are the properties of carbohydrates?
96 ► What is the function of a monosaccharide?
97 ► The ideal fuel for fuel cell use is:
98 ► Out of the following choices, which is the correct name for N2O3:
99 ► Which of the following is an example of a buffer system:
100 ► Which of the following is the best example of a polysaccharide:
101 ► Which of the following dominates the gasses in the Earths atmosphere, making up some 78% of the air by volume:
102 ► Which of the following is an organic molecule:
103 ► Which one of the following has the greatest tendency to lose an electron?
104 ► Which of the following is NOT a final product of the overall cell reaction in a hydrogen fuel cell:
105 ► The use of electricity to decompose molten sodium chloride into its component elements is an example of:
106 ► Which of the following metals react violently with water to produce hydrogen gas:
107 ► The wavelength of yellow light is 600 nanometers. What is the wavelength in centimeters:
108 ► Another name for heavy water is:
109 ► The Tyndall Effect can be demonstrated when light is passed through which of the following:
110 ► Which of the following is true about the Kinetic Theory of Gases:
111 ► What is the pH of a solution with a hydronium ion concentration of 1 X 10-8 moles/dm3?
112 ► Fish in an aquarium require oxygen to live, which is usually done by pumping air into the fish tank using a mechanical pump. If all other things remain constant, the most effective transfer of oxygen to water comes from:
113 ► Which of the following are NOT carbonate minerals:
114 ► Under which of the following conditions will iron rust:
115 ► Which of the following is NOT true about the Periodic Table:
116 ► The reaction of hydrocarbons with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide, water and heat is called:
117 ► Until the early 1960s, what group of elements were called the inert gases:
118 ► What is the only known substance for which there is no triple point:
119 ► What is the branch of chemistry that deals with the relationship between electricity and chemical reactions?
120 ► Convert 673 Kelvin into degrees centigrade:
121 ► Convert -40oF into Centigrade:
122 ► What is the concentration, in parts per billion, of a solution that contains 1 microgram of solute per liter?
123 ► Never found uncombined on Earth, what element occurs abundantly in limestone, gypsum and fluorite:
124 ► To the nearest whole number, convert 0.300 atmosphere into millimeters of mercury, or torr:
125 ► Round the following number to four significant figures and express the result in standard exponential notation: 0.006543210?
126 ► Which element has the following ground-state electron configuration: 1s22s22p6?
127 ► According to Bronsted-Lowry definition, a base is:
128 ► Which of the following represents the simplest chemical formula:
129 ► Which of the following instruments would typically be used to measure the smallest quantities of mass:
130 ► Which one of the following statements is true about the neutralization of an acid by a base:
131 ► The property of water which permits an insect to walk on water is:
132 ► Magnesium can exist as three naturally occurring isotopes. These isotopes would all have the same:
133 ► In the chemistry lab, for safety reasons, when a concentrated acid is mixed with water:
134 ► Which of the following is NOT true of helium?
135 ► Which of the following has the same electron configuration as neon:
136 ► Which of the following is true of bases:
137 ► What element does the symbol Au stand for?
138 ► What are the 4 physical states of matter?
139 ► The general term for the removal of salts from brackish water or seawater to make it usable is called:
140 ► What is the common name of the molecule dihydrogen dioxide?
141 ► Knowing that Iron has an atomic number of 26, how many protons and how many electrons does Fe+2 have?
142 ► 4.0 liters of oxygen are mixed with 8.0 liters of nitrogen. Identify the solute and solvent in this mixture:
143 ► The reaction of an acid with an alcohol to form an ester and water is called:
144 ► Carbohydrates are made of what three elements?
145 ► What are the two most common end-products of alcoholic fermentation?
146 ► It is estimated that each person in the United States consumes an average of 100 pounds of sucrose each year. Which two simple sugars are linked to make a sucrose molecule?
147 ► Which of the following is NOT true about cholesterol:
148 ► If CO2 is bubbled through distilled water at room temperature, which of the following will most likely occur:
149 ► Ten grams of dietary fat contains how many food calories?
150 ► Which of the following is true of an oxidation reaction:
151 ► Which one of the following statements is true about the specific gravity of a substance:
152 ► Element A is a nonmetal with an electronegativity value of 3.0 and element B is a nonmetal with an electronegativity value of 2.5. What kind of bonding will occur between these two elements:
153 ► Which of the following is a nonpolar molecule:
154 ► If a human being were to be exposed suddenly to the surface of Mars, which of the following would most likely occur to the person’s blood:
155 ► A patient in the Emergency Room required 20 grams of a clotbusting drug based on his body weight of 150 pounds. The weight per volume (w/v) of the drug solution is 10%. How many milliliters of the drug solution should be administered?
156 ► How many milliliters of water would you add to 100 milliliters of a 0.350 molar solution to make a 0.100 molar solution?
157 ► What molecule is characteristically prevalent in sour milk and tired muscles?
158 ► Myoglobin binds oxygen in what tissue in the human body?
159 ► What is the term for the pH at which an amino acid or protein becomes electrically neutral?
160 ► Many of the groups of elements in the periodic table have acquired common names. The elements in Group IA, with the exception of hydrogen, are called what?
161 ► How many significant figures are there in the number 0.0036:
162 ► Name the two most abundant elements in the universe?
163 ► What gas was discovered by Daniel Rutherford in 1772 by placing a mouse inside a bell jar, removing all the oxygen in the jar by burning a substance in it, and demonstrating the asphyxiation of the mouse:
164 ► Cellulose is a polymer of repeating units of what molecule?
165 ► Give the symbol for the element that is derived from the Latin word Plumbum?
166 ► In order to compare two different gas samples, scientists use what is called the STP. What does STP stand for?
167 ► Convert the molecular structure of the hydrocarbon C5H12 into its straight-chain Condensed Structural Formula:
168 ► What colorless liquid was originally produced from the distillation of wood and is often referred to as wood alcohol:
169 ► What radioactive isotope of this alkaline earth element formed as a fission product of uranium and is of particular importance because it is assimilated in the body much like calcium:
170 ► An atom has 18 protons and 22 neutrons. What is its mass number:
171 ► What is the acid anhydride of H2CO3?
172 ► Long chains of amino acids are linked together through what type of bond?
173 ► The disruption of the three-dimensional shape of a protein by factors such as heat, acids, bases, and organic solvents, is called what?
174 ► This metal lies between silicon and tin in its chemical and physical properties and used extensively in the making of transistors:
2012-04-02 13:54:25
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