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#1 2012-04-03 02:48:49
Pharmacy Interview Questions And Answers
Medical Science :: Pharmacy Job Interview Questions and Answers
Pharmacy job interview questions and answers guideline. Lean Pharmacy and get preparation for the job of Pharmacy
1 ► Explain what are the role of MR?
2 ► ONLINE TRAINING IN ORACLE CLINICAL 4.6 (Clinical Data Management) and SAS -SDTM mapping?
4 ► Explain difference b/w sonication and homozinization?
5 ► What is the major definition and difference between uniformity of content and content uniformity as official test for all tablets?
6 ► What is the definition of Pka?
7 ► What is eCTD? Difference between CTD & eCTD? How it will be prepared? Need of any Software?
8 ► What will be in case stability sample Which have batch but distribute in three country. In tath case< we can put the sample for all country, whenevr all have same temp(Zone)?
9 ► What the procedure followed in pharmacokinetic study of drug in plasma?
10 ► What is streptococcus and what is the best drug for it?
11 ► What is the Ph of blood?
12 ► In Dry powder inhalation Andersen casacde impacor for FPF performing in that we adjusting 60LPM/MIN and time 4second, why? Explain?
2012-04-03 02:48:49
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