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#1 2012-04-03 02:54:49
J2ME Interview Questions And Answers
Java Programing :: J2ME Job Interview Questions and Answers
J2ME Interview Questions and Answers will guide us now that Java Platform, Micro Edition, or Java ME, is a Java platform designed for mobile devices and embedded systems. Target devices range from industrial controls to mobile phones and set-top boxes. Java ME was formerly known as Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition. So learn basic and advance concepts of J2ME by our this J2ME Interview Questions with Answers guide
1 ► What is J2ME?
2 ► What is J2ME WTK?
3 ► What is 802.11?
4 ► What is API?
5 ► What is AMPS?
6 ► What is CDC?
7 ► What is CDMA?
8 ► What is CDMA One?
9 ► What is CDMA2000?
10 ► What is CDPD?
11 ► What is cHTML?
12 ► What is CLDC?
13 ► What is configuration?
14 ► What is CVM?
15 ► What is Deck?
16 ► What is EDGE?
17 ► What is ETSI?
18 ► What is FDMA?
19 ► What is Foundation Profile?
20 ► What is Generic Connection Framework?
21 ► What is GPRS?
22 ► What is GSM?
23 ► What is HLR?
24 ► What is HTTPS?
25 ► What is i-appli?
26 ► What is IDE?
27 ► What is iDEN?
28 ► What is i-mode?
29 ► What is 3G?
30 ► What is 3GPP?
31 ► What is Java Card?
32 ► What is JavaHQ?
33 ► What is JCP?
34 ► What is JDBC for CDC/FP?
35 ► What is JSR?
36 ► What is KittyHawk?
37 ► What is KJava?
38 ► What is kSOAP?
39 ► What is kXML?
40 ► What is KVM?
41 ► What is LCDUI?
42 ► What is MExE?
43 ► What is MIDlet?
44 ► What is MIDlet suite?
45 ► What is MIDP?
46 ► What is MIDP-NG?
47 ► What is Mobitex?
48 ► What is Modulation?
49 ► What is MSC?
50 ► What is Obfuscation?
51 ► What is optional package?
52 ► What is OTA?
53 ► What is PCS?
54 ► What is PDAP?
55 ► What is PDC?
56 ► What is PDCP?
57 ► What is Personal Profile?
58 ► What is PersonalJava?
59 ► What is PNG?
60 ► What is POSE?
61 ► What is PRC?
62 ► What is preverification?
63 ► What is profile?
64 ► What is Provisioning?
65 ► What is PSTN?
66 ► What is RMI OP?
67 ► What is RMI Profile?
68 ► What is RMS?
69 ► What is SDK?
70 ► What is SIM?
71 ► What is SMS?
72 ► What is T9?
73 ► What is TDMA?
74 ► What is Telematics?
75 ► What is Tomcat?
76 ► What is UMTS?
77 ► What is VLR?
78 ► What is WAE?
79 ► What is WAP?
80 ► What is WAP Gateway?
81 ► What is W-CDMA?
82 ► What is WDP?
83 ► What is WMA?
84 ► What is WML?
85 ► What is WMLScript?
86 ► What is WSP?
87 ► What is WTLS?
88 ► What is WTP?
2012-04-03 02:54:49
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