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#1 2012-04-03 03:28:56
Oracle SQL Interview Questions And Answers
Oracle Database :: SQL Oracle Job Interview Questions and Answers
SQL Oracle guideline for job interview preparation. Explore list of Oracle SQL frequently asked questions(FAQs) asked in number of SQL Oracle interviews. Post your comments as your suggestions, questions and answers on any Oracle SQL Interview Question or answer. Ask Oracle SQL Question, your question will be answered by our fellow friends.
1 ► Explain What is difference between SQL and SQL*PLUS?
2 ► What is is a cursor?
3 ► Explain What are various joins used while writing SUBQUERIES?
4 ► Explain Difference between database triggers and form triggers?
5 ► Explain me can the default values be assigned to actual parameters?
6 ► How to pass cursor variables in PL/SQL 2.2?
7 ► Explain What is difference between SUBSTR and INSTR?
8 ► Explain What is an UTL_FILE.What are different procedures and functions associated with it?
9 ► Explain Which is more faster - IN or EXISTS?
10 ► How to find out nth highest salary from emp table?
11 ► Explain What should be the return type for a cursor variable. Can we use a scalar data type as return type?
12 ► Select the Nth lowest value from a table?
13 ► Explain What is the purpose of a cluster?
14 ► Explain Difference between procedure and function.?
15 ► Explain Which datatype is used for storing graphics and images?
16 ► Explain Difference between an implicit and an explicit cursor?
2012-04-03 03:28:56
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