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#1 2012-04-03 03:31:38

From: Capital
Registered: 2012-03-16
Posts: 23,140

Oracle Database Interview Questions And Answers

Oracle Database :: Basic Oracle Concepts and Programming Job Interview Questions and Answers

Learn Oracle database programming with hundreds of Interview Questions and Answers and examples and get a better job as an Oracle DBA with this basic and advance Oracle Database Interview Questions and Answers guide

1 ► What Is Oracle?
2 ► What Is an Oracle Database?
3 ► What Is an Oracle Instance?
4 ► What Is a Parameter File in Oracle?
5 ► What Is a Server Parameter File in Oracle?
6 ► What Is a Initialization Parameter File in Oracle?
7 ► What is System Global Area (SGA) in Oracle?
8 ► What is Program Global Area (PGA) in Oracle?
9 ► What Is a User Account in Oracle?
10 ► What Is the Relation of a User Account and a Schema in Oracle?
11 ► What Is a User Role in Oracle?
12 ► What is a Database Schema in Oracle?
13 ► What Is a Database Table in Oracle?
14 ► What Is a Table Index in Oracle?
15 ► What Is an Oracle Tablespace?
16 ► What Is an Oracle Data File?
17 ► What Is a Static Data Dictionary in Oracle?
18 ► What Is a Dynamic Performance View in Oracle?
19 ► What Is a Recycle Bin in Oracle?
20 ► What Is SQL*Plus?
21 ► What Is Transport Network Substrate (TNS) in Oracle?
22 ► What Is Open Database Communication (ODBC) in Oracle?
23 ► What is Oracle Database 10g Express Edition?
24 ► What Are the Limitations Oracle Database 10g XE?
25 ► What Operating Systems Are Supported by Oracle Database 10g XE?
26 ► How To Download Oracle Database 10g XE?
27 ► How To Install Oracle Database 10g XE?
28 ► How To Check Your Oracle Database 10g XE Installation?
29 ► How To Shutdown Your 10g XE Server?
30 ► How To Start Your 10g XE Server?
31 ► How Much Memory Your 10g XE Server Is Using?
32 ► How To Start Your 10g XE Server from Command Line?
33 ► How To Shutdown Your 10g XE Server from Command Line?
34 ► How To Unlock the Sample User Account in Oracle?
35 ► How To Change System Global Area (SGA) in Oracle?
36 ► How To Change Program Global Area (PGA) in Oracle?
37 ► What Happens If You Set the SGA Too Low in Oracle?
38 ► What To Do If the StartBD.bat Failed to Start the XE Instance?
39 ► How To Login to the Server without an Instance?
40 ► How To Use "startup" Command to Start Default Instance?
41 ► Where Are the Settings Stored for Each Instance in Oracle?
42 ► What To Do If the Binary SPFile Is Wrong for the Default Instance?
43 ► How To Check the Server Version in Oracle?
44 ► Explain What Is SQL*Plus?
45 ► How To Start the Command-Line SQL*Plus?
46 ► How To Get Help at the SQL Prompt?
47 ► What Information Is Needed to Connect SQL*Plus an Oracle Server?
48 ► What Is a Connect Identifier?
49 ► How To Connect a SQL*Plus Session to an Oracle Server?
50 ► What Happens If You Use a Wrong Connect Identifier?
51 ► What To Do If DBA Lost the SYSTEM Password?
52 ► What Types of Commands Can Be Executed in SQL*Plus?
53 ► How To Run SQL Commands in SQL*Plus?
54 ► How To Run PL/SQL Statements in SQL*Plus?
55 ► How To Change SQL*Plus System Settings?
56 ► How To Look at the Current SQL*Plus System Settings?
57 ► What Are SQL*Plus Environment Variables?
58 ► How To Generate Query Output in HTML Format?
59 ► What Is Output Spooling in SQL*Plus?
60 ► How To Save Query Output to a Local File?
61 ► What Is Input Buffer in SQL*Plus?
62 ► How To Revise and Re-Run the Last SQL Command?
63 ► How Run SQL*Plus Commands That Are Stored in a Local File?
64 ► How To Use SQL*Plus Built-in Timers?
65 ► What Is Oracle Server Autotrace in Oracle?
66 ► How To Set Up Autotrace for a User Account?
67 ► How To Get Execution Path Reports on Query Statements?
68 ► How To Get Execution Statistics Reports on Query Statements?
69 ► What Is SQL in Oracle?
70 ► How Many Categories of Data Types in Oracle?
71 ► What Are the Oracle Built-in Data Types?
72 ► What Are the Differences between CHAR and NCHAR in Oracle?
73 ► What Are the Differences between CHAR and VARCHAR2 in Oracle?
74 ► What Are the Differences between NUMBER and BINARY_FLOAT in Oracle?
75 ► What Are the Differences between DATE and TIMESTAMP in Oracle?
76 ► What Are the Differences between INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH and INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND?
77 ► What Are the Differences between BLOB and CLOB in Oracle?
78 ► What Are the ANSI Data Types Supported in Oracle?
79 ► How To Write Text Literals in Oracle?
80 ► How To Write Numeric Literals in Oracle?
81 ► How To Write Date and Time Literals in Oracle?
82 ► How To Write Date and Time Interval Literals in Oracle?
83 ► How To Convert Numbers to Characters in Oracle?
84 ► How To Convert Characters to Numbers in Oracle?
85 ► How To Convert Dates to Characters in Oracle?
86 ► How To Convert Characters to Dates in Oracle?
87 ► How To Convert Times to Characters in Oracle?
88 ► How To Convert Characters to Times in Oracle?
89 ► What Is NULL value in Oracle?
90 ► How To Use NULL as Conditions in Oracle?
91 ► How To Concatenate Two Text Values in Oracle?
92 ► How To Increment Dates by 1 in Oracle?
93 ► How To Calculate Date and Time Differences in Oracle?
94 ► How To Use IN Conditions in Oracle?
95 ► How To Use LIKE Conditions in Oracle?
96 ► How To Use Regular Expression in Pattern Match Conditions in Oracle?
97 ► What Are DDL Statements in Oracle?
98 ► How To Create a New Table in Oracle?
99 ► How To Create a New Table by Selecting Rows from Another Table?
100 ► How To Add a New Column to an Existing Table in Oracle?
101 ► How To Delete a Column in an Existing Table in Oracle?
102 ► How To Drop an Existing Table in Oracle?
103 ► How To Create a Table Index in Oracle?
104 ► How To Rename an Index in Oracle?
105 ► How To Drop an Index in Oracle?
106 ► How To Create a New View in Oracle?
107 ► How To Drop an Existing View in Oracle?
108 ► What Are DML Statements in Oracle?
109 ► How To Create a Testing Table in Oracle?
110 ► How To Set Up SQL*Plus Output Format in Oracle?
111 ► How To Insert a New Row into a Table in Oracle?
112 ► How To Specify Default Values in INSERT Statement using Oracle?
113 ► How To Omit Columns with Default Values in INSERT Statement in Oracle?
114 ► How To Insert Multiple Rows with One INSERT Statement in Oracle?
115 ► How To Update Values in a Table in Oracle?
116 ► How To Update Values on Multiple Rows in Oracle?
117 ► How To Use Existing Values in UPDATE Statements using Oracle?
118 ► How To Use Values from Other Tables in UPDATE Statements using Oracle?
119 ► What Happens If the UPDATE Subquery Returns Multiple Rows?
120 ► How To Delete an Existing Row from a Table in Oracle?
121 ► How To Delete Multiple Rows from a Table in Oracle?
122 ► How To Delete All Rows a Table in Oracle?
123 ► What Is a SELECT Query Statement in Oracle?
124 ► How To Select All Columns of All Rows from a Table in Oracle?
125 ► How To Select Some Columns from a Table in Oracle?
126 ► How To Select Some Rows from a Table in Oracle?
127 ► How To Sort the Query Output in Oracle?
128 ► Can the Query Output Be Sorted by Multiple Columns in Oracle?
129 ► How To Sort Output in Descending Order in Oracle?
130 ► How To Use SELECT Statement to Count the Number of Rows in Oracle?
131 ► Can SELECT Statements Be Used on Views in Oracle?
132 ► How To Filter Out Duplications in the Returning Rows using Oracle?
133 ► What Are Group Functions in Oracle?
134 ► How To Use Group Functions in the SELECT Clause using Oracle?
135 ► Can Group Functions Be Mixed with Non-group Selection Fields?
136 ► How To Divide Query Output into Groups in Oracle?
137 ► How To Apply Filtering Criteria at Group Level in Oracle?
138 ► How To Count Duplicated Values in a Column in Oracle?
139 ► Can Multiple Columns Be Used in GROUP BY in Oracle?
140 ► Can Group Functions Be Used in the ORDER BY Clause in Oracle?
141 ► How To Join Two Tables in a Single Query using Oracle?
142 ► How To Write a Query with an Inner Join in Oracle?
143 ► How To Define and Use Table Alias Names in Oracle?
144 ► How To Write a Query with a Left Outer Join in Oracle?
145 ► How To Write a Query with a Right Outer Join in Oracle?
146 ► How To Write a Query with a Full Outer Join in Oracle?
147 ► How To Write an Inner Join with the WHERE Clause in Oracle?
148 ► How To Write a Left Outer Join with the WHERE Clause in Oracle?
149 ► How To Name Query Output Columns in Oracle?
150 ► What Is a Subquery in Oracle?
151 ► How To Use Subqueries with the IN Operator using Oracle?
152 ► How To Use Subqueries with the EXISTS Operator in Oracle?
153 ► How To Use Subqueries in the FROM clause in Oracle?
154 ► How To Count Groups Returned with the GROUP BY Clause in Oracle?
155 ► How To Return Top 5 Rows in Oracle?
156 ► What Is an Oracle Transaction?
157 ► How To Start a New Transaction in Oracle?
158 ► How To End the Current Transaction in Oracle?
159 ► How To Create an Oracle Testing Table?
160 ► How To Commit the Current Transaction in Oracle?
161 ► How To Rollback the Current Transaction in Oracle?
162 ► What Happens to the Current Transaction If a DDL Statement Is Executed?
163 ► What Happens to the Current Transaction If the Session Is Ended?
164 ► What Happens to the Current Transaction If the Session Is Killed?
165 ► How Does Oracle Handle Read Consistency?
166 ► What Is a READ WRITE Transaction in Oracle?
167 ► What Is a READ ONLY Transaction in Oracle?
168 ► How To Set a Transaction To Be READ ONLY in Oracle?
169 ► What Are the Restrictions in a Oracle READ ONLY Transaction?
170 ► What Are the General Rules on Data Consistency?
171 ► What Are Transaction Isolation Levels Supported by Oracle?
172 ► What Is a Data Lock in Oracle?
173 ► How Data Locks Are Respected in Oracle?
174 ► How To Experiment a Data Lock in Oracle?
175 ► How To View Existing Locks on the Database?
176 ► What Is a Dead Lock in Oracle?
177 ► How Oracle Handles Dead Locks?
178 ► What Is an Oracle User Account?
179 ► What Is the Relation of a User Account and a Schema?
180 ► What Is an Oracle User Role?
181 ► What Are the System Predefined User Roles?
182 ► What Are Internal User Account in Oracle?
183 ► How To Connect to the Server with User Account: SYS?
184 ► How To Use Windows User to Connect to the Server?
185 ► How To List All User Accounts in Oracle?
186 ► How To Create a New User Account in Oracle?
187 ► How To Change User Password in Oracle?
188 ► How To Delete a User Account in Oracle?
189 ► What Privilege Is Needed for a User to Connect to Oracle Server?
190 ► How To Grant CREATE SESSION Privilege to a User in Oracle?
191 ► How To Revoke CREATE SESSION Privilege from a User in Oracle?
192 ► How To Lock and Unlock a User Account in Oracle?
193 ► What Privilege Is Needed for a User to Create Tables in Oracle?
194 ► How To Assign a Tablespace to a Users in Oracle?
195 ► What Privilege Is Needed for a User to Create Views in Oracle?
196 ► What Privilege Is Needed for a User to Create Indexes in Oracle?
197 ► What Privilege Is Needed for a User to Query Tables in Another Schema?
198 ► What Privilege Is Needed for a User to Insert Rows to Tables in Another Schema?
199 ► What Privilege Is Needed for a User to Delete Rows from Tables in Another Schema?
200 ► How To Find Out What Privileges a User Currently Has in Oracle?
201 ► What Is an Oracle Database Table?
202 ► How Many Types of Tables Supported by Oracle?
203 ► How To Create a New Table in Your Schema?
204 ► How To Rename an Existing Table?
205 ► How To Drop an Existing Table?
206 ► How To Add a New Column to an Existing Table?
207 ► How To Add a New Column to an Existing Table with a Default Value?
208 ► How To Rename a Column in an Existing Table?
209 ► How To Delete a Column in an Existing Table?
210 ► How To View All Columns in an Existing Table?
211 ► How To Recover a Dropped Table in Oracle?
212 ► What Is an Oracle Recycle Bin?
213 ► How To Turn On or Off Recycle Bin for the Instance?
214 ► How To View the Dropped Tables in Your Recycle Bin?
215 ► How To Empty Your Oracle Recycle Bin?
216 ► How To Turn On or Off Recycle Bin for the Session?
217 ► How To List All Tables in Your Schema?
218 ► What Is a Table Index?
219 ► How To Run SQL Statements through the Web Interface?
220 ► How To Create a Table Index?
221 ► How To List All Indexes in Your Schema?
222 ► What Is an Index Associated with a Constraint?
223 ► How To Rename an Index?
224 ► How To Drop an Index?
225 ► Can You Drop an Index Associated with a Unique or Primary Key Constraint?
226 ► What Happens to Indexes If You Drop a Table?
227 ► How To Recover a Dropped Index?
228 ► What Happens to the Indexes If a Table Is Recovered?
229 ► How To Rebuild an Index in Oracle?
230 ► How To See the Table Columns Used in an Index?
231 ► How To Create a Single Index for Multiple Columns?
232 ► How a Tablespace Is Related to Data Files?
233 ► How a Database Is Related to Tablespaces?
234 ► How To View the Tablespaces in the Current Database?
235 ► What Are the Predefined Tablespaces in a Database?
236 ► How To View the Data Files in the Current Database?
237 ► How To Create a new Oracle Data File?
238 ► How To Create a New Tablespace in Oracle?
239 ► How To Rename a Tablespace in Oracle?
240 ► How To Drop a Tablespace?
241 ► What Happens to the Data Files If a Tablespace Is Dropped?
242 ► How To Create a Table in a Specific Tablespace?
243 ► How To See Free Space of Each Tablespace?
244 ► How To Bring a Tablespace Offline?
245 ► How To Bring a Tablespace Online?
246 ► How To Add Another Datafile to a Tablespace?
247 ► What Happens If You Lost a Data File?
248 ► How Remove Data Files before opening a Database?
249 ► How To Create an Oracle Database?
250 ► How To Create an Oracle Database Manually?
251 ► How To Select an Oracle System ID (SID)?
252 ► How To Establish Administrator Authentication to the Server?
253 ► How To Create an Initialization Parameter File?
254 ► How To Connect the Oracle Server as SYSDBA?
255 ► How To Create a Server Parameter File?
256 ► How To Start an Oracle Instance?
257 ► How To Start a Specific Oracle Instance?
258 ► How To Start Instance with a Minimal Initialization Parameter File?
259 ► How To Run CREATE DATABASE Statement?
260 ► How To Do Clean Up If CREATE DATABASE Failed?
261 ► How To Run CREATE DATABASE Statement Again?
262 ► How To Create Additional Tablespaces for an New Database?
263 ► How To Build Data Dictionary View an New Database?
264 ► What Is PL/SQL?
265 ► What Are the Types PL/SQL Code Blocks?
266 ► How To Define an Anonymous Block?
267 ► How Many Anonymous Blocks Can Be Defined?
268 ► How To Run the Anonymous Block Again?
269 ► How To Create a Stored Program Unit?
270 ► How To Execute a Stored Program Unit?
271 ► How Many Data Types Are Supported?
272 ► What Are the Execution Control Statements?
273 ► How To Use SQL Statements in PL/SQL?
274 ► How To Process Query Result in PL/SQL?
275 ► How To Create an Array in PL/SQL?
276 ► How To Manage Transaction Isolation Level?
277 ► How To Pass Parameters to Procedures?
278 ► How To Define a Procedure inside Another Procedure?
279 ► What Do You Think about PL/SQL?
280 ► What Is Oracle SQL Developer?
281 ► What Operating Systems Are Supported by Oracle SQL Developer?
282 ► How To Download Oracle SQL Developer?
283 ► How To Install Oracle SQL Developer?
284 ► How To Start Oracle SQL Developer?
285 ► Is Oracel SQL Developer written in Java?
286 ► How To Connect to a Local Oracle 10g XE Server?
287 ► How To Connect to a Remote Server?
288 ► How To Run SQL Statements with Oracle SQL Developer?
289 ► How To Export Your Connection Information to a File?
290 ► How To Run SQL*Plus Commands in SQL Developer?
291 ► How To Work with Data Objects Interactively?
292 ► How To Get a CREATE Statement for an Existing Table?
293 ► How To Create a Table Interactively?
294 ► How To Enter a New Row into a Table Interactively?
295 ► What Is the Reports View in Oracle SQL Developer?
296 ► How To Get a List of All Tables in the Database?
297 ► How To Get a List of All User Accounts in the Database?
298 ► How To Get a List of All Background Sessions in the Database?
299 ► How To Create Your Own Reports in SQL Developer?
300 ► How Many File Formats Are Supported to Export Data?
301 ► How To Export Data to a CSV File?
302 ► What Is Oracle SQL Developer?
303 ► What Operating Systems Are Supported by Oracle SQL Developer?
304 ► How To Download Oracle SQL Developer?
305 ► How To Install Oracle SQL Developer?
306 ► What Is PL/SQL Language Case Sensitive?
307 ► How To Place Comments in PL/SQL?
308 ► What Are the Types PL/SQL Code Blocks?
309 ► What Is an Anonymous Block?
310 ► What Is a Named Program Unit?
311 ► What Is a Procedure?
312 ► What Is a Function?
313 ► How To Declare a Local Variable?
314 ► How To Initialize Variables with Default Values?
315 ► How To Assign Values to Variables?
316 ► What Are the Arithmetic Operations?
317 ► What Are the Numeric Comparison Operations?
318 ► What Are the Logical Operations?
319 ► How Many Categories of Data Types?
320 ► How Many Scalar Data Types Are Supported in PL/SQL?
321 ► How To Convert Character Types to Numeric Types?
322 ► What Are the Execution Control Statements in Oracle?
323 ► How To Use "IF" Statements on Multiple Conditions?
324 ► How To Use "WHILE" Statements in Oracle?
325 ► How To Use "FOR" Statements in Oracle?
326 ► What Is NULL in PL/SQL?
327 ► How To Test NULL Values?
328 ► What Is a Procedure in Oracle?
329 ► What Is an Oracle Function?
330 ► How To Define an Anonymous Procedure without Variables?
331 ► How To Define an Anonymous Procedure with Variables?
332 ► How To Create a Stored Procedure in Oracle?
333 ► How To Execute a Stored Procedure in Oracle?
334 ► How To Drop a Stored Procedure in Oracle?
335 ► How To Pass Parameters to Procedures in Oracle?
336 ► How To Create a Stored Function in Oracle?
337 ► How To Call a Stored Function in Oracle?
338 ► How To Drop a Stored Function?
339 ► How To Call a Stored Function with Parameters?
340 ► How To Define an Oracle Sub Procedure?
341 ► How To Call a Sub Procedure?
342 ► How To Define a Sub Function?
343 ► Can Sub Procedure/Function Be Called Recursively?
344 ► What Happens If Recursive Calls Get Out of Control?
345 ► What Is the Order of Defining Local Variables and Sub Procedures/Functions?
346 ► What Is the Difference between Formal Parameters and Actual Parameters?
347 ► What Are the Parameter Modes Supported by PL/SQL?
348 ► How To Use "IN" Parameter Properly?
349 ► How To Use "OUT" Parameter Properly?
350 ► How To Use "IN OUT" Parameter Properly?
351 ► How To Define Default Values for Formal Parameters?
352 ► What Are Named Parameters?
353 ► What Is the Scope of a Local Variable?
354 ► Can DML Statements Be Used in PL/SQL?
355 ► Can DDL Statements Be Used in PL/SQL?
356 ► Can Variables Be Used in SQL Statements?
357 ► What Happens If Variable Names Collide with Table/Column Names?
358 ► How To Resolve Name Conflicts between Variables and Columns?
359 ► How To Assign Query Results to Variables?
360 ► Can You Assign Multiple Query Result Rows To a Variable?
361 ► How To Run SQL Functions in PL/SQL?
362 ► How To Retrieve the Count of Updated Rows?
363 ► What Is the Implicit Cursor in Oracle?
364 ► How To Assign Data of the Deleted Row to Variables?
365 ► What Is a RECORD in PL/SQL?
366 ► How To Define a Specific RECORD Type?
367 ► How To Define a Variable of a Specific RECORD Type?
368 ► How To Assign Values to Data Fields in RECORD Variables?
369 ► How To Retrieve Values from Data Fields in RECORD Variables?
370 ► How To Define a Data Field as NOT NULL?
371 ► How To Define a RECORD Variable to Store a Table Row?
372 ► How To Assign a Table Row to a RECORD Variable?
373 ► How To Insert a Record into a Table?
374 ► How To Update a Table Row with a Record?
375 ► How To Define a Variable to Match a Table Column Data Type?
376 ► What Is a Cursor in Oracle?
377 ► How Many Types of Cursors Supported in PL/SQL?
378 ► What Is the Oracle Implicit Cursor?
379 ► How To Use Attributes of the Implicit Cursor in Oracle?
380 ► How To Loop through Data Rows in the Implicit Cursor?
381 ► How To Define an Explicit Cursor in Oracle?
382 ► How To Open and Close an Explicit Cursor in Oracle?
383 ► How To Retrieve Data from an Explicit Cursor?
384 ► How To Retrieve Data from an Cursor to a RECORD?
385 ► How To Use FETCH Statement in a Loop?
386 ► How To Use an Explicit Cursor without OPEN Statements?
387 ► Can Multiple Cursors Being Opened at the Same Time?
388 ► How To Pass a Parameter to a Cursor in Oracle?
389 ► What Is an Oracle Cursor Variable?
390 ► How To Define an Oracle Cursor Variable?
391 ► How To Open a Cursor Variable?
392 ► How To Loop through a Cursor Variable?
393 ► How To Pass a Cursor Variable to a Procedure?
394 ► Why Cursor Variables Are Easier to Use than Cursors?
395 ► What Is the Simplest Tool to Run Commands on Oracle Servers?
396 ► What Is the Quickest Way to Export a Table to a Flat File?
397 ► How To Export Data with a Field Delimiter?
398 ► What Is SQL*Loader?
399 ► What Is a SQL*Loader Control File?
400 ► How To Load Data with SQL*Loader?
401 ► What Is an External Table?
402 ► How To Load Data through External Tables?
403 ► What Are the Restrictions on External Table Columns?
404 ► What Is a Directory Object?
405 ► How To Define an External Table with a Text File?
406 ► How To Run Queries on External Tables?
407 ► How To Load Data from External Tables to Regular Tables?
408 ► What Is the Data Pump Export Utility?
409 ► What Is the Data Pump Import Utility?
410 ► How To Invoke the Data Pump Export Utility?
411 ► How To Invoke the Data Pump Import Utility?
412 ► What Are Data Pump Export and Import Modes?
413 ► How To Estimate Disk Space Needed for an Export Job?
414 ► How To Do a Full Database Export?
415 ► Where Is the Export Dump File Located?
416 ► How To Export Your Own Schema?
417 ► How To Export Several Tables Together?
418 ► What Happens If the Imported Table Already Exists?
419 ► How To Import One Table Back from a Dump File?
420 ► What Are the Original Export and Import Utilities?
421 ► How To Invoke the Original Export Import Utilities?
422 ► What Is Oracle Open Database Communication (ODBC)?
423 ► How To Install Oracle ODBC Drivers?
424 ► How To Find Out What Oracle ODBC Drivers Are Installed?
425 ► How Can Windows Applications Connect to Oracle Servers?
426 ► How To Create Tables for ODBC Connection Testing?
427 ► How To Check the Oracle TNS Settings?
428 ► How To Define a Data Source Name (DSN) in ODBC Manager?
429 ► How To Connect MS Access to Oracle Servers?
430 ► How To Connect ASP Pages to Oracle Servers?

2012-04-03 03:31:38

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Re: Oracle Database Interview Questions And Answers


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