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#1 2018-02-12 02:18:49

Registered: 2017-09-21
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68+ Web Developer & Designer Interview Questions And Answers

Web Development Web Developer & Designer Job Interview Questions and Answers

Web Developer & Designer related interview test questions and answers guide. The one who provides the best answers with a perfect presentation is the one who wins the job hunting race. Learn more about Web Developer & Designer and get preparation for the new job interview

Deployment Skills based Web Developer & Designer Job Interview Questions:
Browser Compatibility based Web Developer & Designer Job Interview Questions:
WordPress based Web Developer & Designer Job Interview Questions:
CSS / CSS3 based Web Developer & Designer Job Interview Questions:
JQuery / JavaScript based Web Developer & Designer Job Interview Questions:
HTML / HTML5 as Web Developer & Designer Job Interview Questions:
Do you know what is a Dreamweaver Template?
Explain me do you make Custom Web Design or use Themes?
Tell us what are the different JavaScript types?
Tell me what are the possible values for “position”?
Tell me in CSS when you will use CSS float?
Explain me what is the use of local storage in HTML5?
Tell me what web standards and practices do they follow?
Tell me what does the NaN function do?
Tell me do you provide case studies to showcase the results of your web designs?
Tell me what is Grid system?
Explain me what will be their price and what is included in their price?
Tell us what is the basic difference between HTML elements and tags?
Tell us how will they handle your project?
Tell us what are some bad examples of web design?
Tell us do they build search engine optimization into the websites?
List out some of the JQuery function used for webpage designing?
Explain me how long will it take to complete the Website?
Tell me what does “1”+2+4 return?
Explain me what are the limitations seen when serving XHTML servers?
Tell me how do you convert numbers between different bases in JavaScript?
Tell me is CSS case sensitive?
Tell me how much time required to analyze the business, market and the competitors?
Tell us what services do they offer?
Explain me what do you mean by Responsive design on a web page?
Tell us what is the difference between “visibility:hidden” and “display:none”?
Explain me why is the mouse cursor slightly tilted and not straight?
Do you know what is their policy for building websites in comparison with your competitors?
Tell me what will you require from me and will you create the logo for my site?
Tell me how to align pictures so that they are one above the other?
Tell me what is the difference between HTML5 and HTML?
Do you know what is the difference between standard modes and quirk modes?
Do you know what is <!DOCTYPE>? Why is it necessary to use in HTML5?
Explain what is a CSS file? For what purpose it is used?
Tell me why should a graphic containing several words should be saved in GIF instead of JPG?
Tell me how can you set an image as a background on web pages?
Explain me as a web-designer while declaring “delete” button what would be your color choice?
Please explain why do people clear the screen multiple times when using a calculator?
Tell me will they Review your Current Website to analyze the performance before designing the New One?
Tell me will they help you get the Images for your Website? & will they outsource any of the work?
Explain how do they determine keywords for the site? & do they perform other SEO services?
Tell me how do I make a webpage that someone can simply just send me a mail by just clicking on text with subject?
Tell me what is the work area in Photoshop?
Tell me how many HTML tags should be used for the most simplest of webpages?
Tell me what are the new media elements that are included in HTML5? Why is canvas used in HTML?
Tell me what is a prompt box?
Tell me what is external style sheet? How can we link it?
Please explain will your website be compatible with every screen?
Tell me who will be working on your website and what is their qualification?
Tell us can you provide the Portfolio?
Tell me how can a developer learn about web design?
Tell me how can you align picture so that one may be higher or lower than the other?
Tell me what are the main language or platform used for web-design?
Explain me what is the difference between linking to an image, a website and an email address?
Please explain how many markup elements do you know used in HTML5?
Explain what is the basic difference between an alert box and a confirm box?
Tell me what is called as negative infinity in JavaScript?
Tell us what kind of CMS do they use?
Tell us how many pages will the Website Contains?
Tell me what strategies will be used to revenue for your site?
Tell me while writing an error message what all things you need to take into consideration?
Tell us how can you integrate CSS file to your webpage?
Tell me what is Information Architecture?

Download Web Developer & Designer Job Interview Questions And Answers PDF

2018-02-12 02:18:49

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Re: 68+ Web Developer & Designer Interview Questions And Answers


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