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#1 2012-04-03 04:00:00
OLAP Interview Questions And Answers
Applications Programs :: Online analytical processing (OLAP) Job Interview Questions and Answers
OLAP Interview Questions and Answers will guide us now that Online analytical processing (OLAP) is an approach to quickly answer multi-dimensional analytical queries. OLAP is part of the broader category of business intelligence, which also encompasses relational reporting and data mining. So learn OLAP or get preparation for a job of OLAP with the help of this OLAP Interview Questions with Answers guide
1 ► Explain about OLAP?
2 ► Explain about the functionality of OLAP?
3 ► Explain about MOLAP?
4 ► What is ROLAP?
5 ► Explain about aggregations?
6 ► Explain about the view selection problem?
7 ► Explain about the role of bitmap indexes to solve aggregation problems?
8 ► Explain about Encoding technique used in bitmaps indexes?
9 ► Explain about Binning?
10 ► Explain about candidate check?
11 ► What is Hybrid OLAP?
12 ► Explain about API s of OLAP?
13 ► Explain about shared features of OLAP?
14 ► Explain about analysis?
15 ► Explain about multidimensional features present in OLAP?
16 ► Explain about the database marketing application of OLAP?
17 ► What are the different industries which use this marketing tool?
2012-04-03 04:00:00
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