Interviewer And Interviewee Guide

Behavioral APPS Group II General Studies Interview Questions & Answers:

1. Position of West Bengal in literacy in India?

Its 19th position for West Bengal in literacy according to
2001 census.

3. In which year did gandhiji come activelyon the political scene?

The answer is B
From that year onwards he continuously parto vipated in the
political activities

6. What do you mean by education cess & how it is calculated at what rate and were it is used?

education cess is the amount deducted from all the tax
payers at the rate of 3% of their tax payable, and this
amount is utilised to educate thechildren who are below
poverty line.

7. Tell me the TEXT BOOKS in ENGLISH MEDIUM for the subject of GENERAL STUDIES in GROUP II exam?

For General studies in Group II the English medium books
1. Upto S.S.C.(10th) school text books (EM)
2. For General Knowledge and Current Affairs i prefer CSR
(competative success review)
3.For History, Politics and Economy i prefer graduation
(Arts) Acadamic books.
4. For Mental Abilty and resoning u can take any I-cet
oriented book. That is more than enough.
5. Try to follow English News papers regularly.

8. When will the application for the group2 exams will be provided?

appsc will provide applications through online in website on march 26th to aplrial 16th.
if you want full details regarding it,you can check 40/2008
group2 notification in website.

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