Interviewer And Interviewee Guide

Role-specific Government BSRB Interview Questions & Answers:

1. Is there any increase in vacancies of sbi clerk from 11000 to 25000. And when they are going to declare the result?

Definately SBI will fill the 22000 vacancies bcoz they
selected almost 88000 candidates instead of 44000. And I
think results will be decleared after 2 months of interwive
setion is over. i.e. after the 12 july. so wait and watch.

3. What is the target percentage to get selected in bank clarical and bank po exams?

target percentage to get selected in bank
clarical and bank po exams.45%

5. What is the hobbies suitable for POs interview?

there no such special hobby for PO...
Interview doesn't matter if ur written xam has gone very
Just go in normal way & show some confidence...
Interview is all about HOW CONFIDENTLY U BLUFF..

6. Is it any relation between dollar gold value fluctuation?

During the crisis situation there is a positive correlaton
between dollar value and value of gold because all
investors will go towards qulaity products in other words
Flight to quality. And both dollar as well as gold are
considered as safe haven. how ever during normal time the
situation this relation will not hold true the dollar value
will be more dependent upon interest rate arity however the
gold value will be more dependent upon demand and supply

7. Why shifting from IT to Banking?

our IT industry is dependendent on europe and
american market.they outsourced there work .its a base for
it industry,if they change there outsourcing based policy
so its directly affected our it sector.we also face such a
condition at the time of global slowdown.
but our banking industry are fully strong .our indian
nationaloze bank shows fantastic growth at the time of
recession .as well as they start recruitment ,at the same
time it industry believe on cast cutting

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