Interviewer And Interviewee Guide

Behavioral Benefits Analyst Interview Questions & Answers:

1. Explain me the diagrams most used by business analysts?

Again, the hiring manager wants reassurance you have the skills to get the job done and know case, activity and sequence diagrams.

2. Tell me how do you like to be managed?

Asking this question helps hiring managers understand the level of responsibility that candidates are comfortable with, and will ultimately allow them to determine if their management style matches candidate expectations.

3. Tell me have you worked for our company in the past?

If candidates have worked for the company in the past, hiring managers will need to check rehire eligibility.

4. Tell me what would your current employer need to offer in order to keep you?

Your candidates' responses can tell you a lot about their current work situation and the likelihood that they will accept a new offer. This question even provides insight into the possibility of a counter offer from their current employer.

5. Explain me what do you know about SDD?

Your lingo acumen is being tested when you get one of these types of questions. Explain that the system design document (SDD) is a middle step separating business users and developers.

6. Explain me what do you want my hiring manager to know about you, specifically?

This question is a variation of “Why should I consider you for this role?” However, it is usually so unexpected that the responses are pretty telling. You quickly see what candidates value in their own experiences and gain a little more insight.

7. Tell me what are the best practices you follow while writing a use case?

The following are the best practices that are followed to write a clear and well documented use case:

☛ Capture both functional and non-functional requirements in a use case.
☛ Include use case diagrams along with the use case.
☛ Include the UI details/notes in the use case.

8. Explain which business intelligence tools or systems have you worked with?

Cite the specific tools and how you've used them. If you have used a system the company employs, mention your experience to the hiring manager. If you're not familiar with the technology the employer uses, discuss how you plan to get up to speed quickly.

9. Tell me what made you decide to apply to this job?

This one seems obvious but it's important to ask. You'd be surprised how many candidates can't really answer this question, or answer it in a way that underwhelms such as “I need a job and this was hiring.” Candor is a plus, and in situations like this is a huge benefit. It gets bad candidates in and out the door faster.

10. Tell me what is your requirement elicitation strategy?

The elicitation strategy depends upon the type of the project.

One can take advantage of direct collaboration with client and have facilitated workshops, interviews and observe the end users. In conjunction, we can use techniques that provide us with more precise information like prototype and scenario building.

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