Fresh HIV Consultant Interview Questions & Answers:
1. Tell me is it easy to get HIV?
No. HIV is not like the lu or a cold. It is not passed through casual contact or by being near a person who is infected.
You can only get HIV if infected blood, semen, vaginal luids, or breast milk gets into your body
2. Tell me does everyone who is exposed to HIV get infected?
No. But it is important to know that you can be infected by a single exposure to HIV-infected blood, semen, or vaginal luids. Whether a person becomes infected after being exposed to HIV depends on how the virus enters the body and the amount of virus that enters the body.
3. Tell me how do you react under pressure?
This is a very important question to answer. Most physician specialties require brilliance in the heat of the moment. Highlight your ability to rise to the occasion when it is necessary.
4. Explain me your experience and skills?
Most employers are going to be impressed by institutions with names that they recognize. However, if you did not get your training from a highly recognized school or facility, highlight the accolades that it has as well as why you chose to pursue that institution.
5. Tell me what is the correct way to use a condom?
• Store condoms in a cool place, out of direct sunlight. Check the expiration date on the condom wrapper or box. Condoms that are past their expiration date may break.
• Open the package carefully. Teeth or ingernails can rip the condom.
6. Tell me is there a cure for HIV or AIDS?
No. There is no cure for HIV or AIDS. However, there are medicines that ight HIV and help people with HIV and AIDS live longer, healthier lives.
7. Tell me does sexual contact with many partners increase my risk of getting HIV?
Yes. Having unprotected sex with many partners increases your risk of getting HIV because it increases your chances of coming into contact with someone who has HIV. It also increases your risk of getting other sexually transmitted diseases (like herpes, gonorrhea, chlamydia, venereal warts, or syphilis). Having an STD, in turn, can make you more likely to get HIV
8. Tell me can I get HIV from a mosquito bite?
No. Studies have shown that mosquitoes and other insects do not pass HIV to humans.
When an insect bites a person, it does not inject its own blood or a previous victim's blood into the new victim. It injects only saliva. Unlike the germs that cause malaria and other diseases spread by insect bites, HIV does not reproduce (and therefore cannot survive) in insects. So, even if the virus enters a mosquito or another sucking or biting insect, the insect does not become infected and cannot pass HIV to the next human that it feeds on or bites.
9. Please explain why did you go into medicine?
Resoundingly, our clients expressed their distaste with physicians saying that they went into medicine for the pay. No employer wants to hire a money-hungry physician. Be honest about why you went into medicine. One possible answer: “I want to help people and provide the best medical care that I can.”
10. Explain me can 2 infected people have unprotected sex?
No, because there is the probability of re-infection or cross-infection. In other words, there are sub-strains of the virus and you can pass these to each other and worsen each other's health. An HIV+ person, can become re-infected with a different drug-resistant strain (type) of HIV, if he / she does not practice protected sex