Interviewer And Interviewee Guide

Role-specific Business Development Manager Interview Questions & Answers:

1. Explain me about your typical project approach?

Here, the hiring manager wants to ensure you have an overall understanding of the business analysis planning process. Rather than listing numerous projects and processes, talk more about the general phases or types of deliverables you might create, while letting the hiring manager know you can customize your approaches to projects.

2. Tell me which defects should be prioritized?

When a defect has a high likelihood of being exploited, or may compromise the data integrity of the system (and the company), any suitable candidate will want to prioritize those. Those defects that are cosmetic should be given a lower priority unless they interfere with the user experience in a substantial way.

3. Explain me how do you deal with rejection?

As the people primarily responsible for cold calling and emailing, SDRs deal with an awful lot of rejection. If the candidate admits they get flustered or frustrated after an extended period of rejection, they're probably not cut out for the job. "Fall down seven times, stand up eight" is the mantra of the best SDRs.

4. Explain how have you handled difficult stakeholders?

Answer this one head on. The hiring manager is trying to assess your soft skills, particularly your communication and collaboration abilities. Working with people from different areas of the company and perspectives is an area where nontechnical skills are key.

5. Please explain me your life story in 90 seconds?

As Mark Twain once said, "I didn't have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead." Brevity is a talent, and it's one that prospects appreciate. This question reveals the candidate's ability to hit the critical points of a story in a short amount of time.

6. Tell us what's your ideal working environment?

Say that you enjoy working in a team environment. Describe the environment in such a way as it sounds similar to the work environment you believe the company has adopted.

7. Tell me what do you think is the manager's role in closing deals?

This will vary from company to company, and person to person. But by now, your company no doubt has its model for the manager. See if there is any contradiction.

8. Tell us how do you handle changes to requirements?

Your logical-thinking skills are being put to the test with this question. As you answer, highlight how you thoughtfully respond to changing situations.

One potential response is something along the lines of, “First, I prioritize the changes to requirements, scope of changes and the impact analysis to the project. Next, I perform an impact analysis to the project cost, timeline and resources. Finally, I evaluate whether the scope change is introducing new gaps to the technical or functional designs or development and testing.”

9. Tell me what is your strategy for converting a no into a yes?

The interviewee will give an explicit response to their sales strategy, and how they adapt to situations.

10. Tell us how do you build your development team?

A well-bonded team is a well-built team. The answers to this question should refer to activities that the candidate has already done. The candidate doesn't need to be their team's best friend, but it's important that they're interested in getting to know their team and creating opportunities for them to bond.

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