Interviewer And Interviewee Guide

Professional Coreldraw Interview Questions & Answers:

2. Shadow can be dropped in coreldraw by using_________ option 1 is eye dropper tool 2 inter active tool 3 zoom tool 4 ellipse too?

Shadow can be dropped by using Drop shadow tool in corel draw, By which u could drop the shadow of any object or images.

4. What is the usage of Interactive Fill tool?

Create a fill dynamically by using markers in the drawing window and property bar to change the angle, midpoint, and color.

5. What is the usage of Texture Fill?

Apply preset texture fills to objects to create the illusion of a variety of textures, such as water, clouds and stone.

6. What is the usage of Uniform Fill?

Choose a solid fill color for an object by using color palettes, color viewers, color harmonies, or color blends.

7. What is the usage of Mesh Fill tool?

Fill an object by blending multiple colors or shades arranged over a mesh grid.

8. What is the usage of PostScript Fill?

Apply an intricate PostScript texture fill to an object.

9. What is the usage of Pattern Fill?

Apply a preset pattern fill to an object or create a custom pattern fill.

10. What is the usage of Fountain Fill?

Fill an object with a gradient of colors or shades.

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