Interviewer And Interviewee Guide

Professional Janitor Interview Questions & Answers:

1. How do you handle stress and pressure as Custodian?

"I find that I work better under pressure, and I enjoy working in an environment that is challenging." "I am the type of person that diffuses stress. I am used to working in a demanding environment with deadlines, and enjoy the challenges."

2. Tell me what motivates you to work hard in this role?

The end result. When I think of how beautifully clean and neat interiors and exteriors look, it gives me a sense of satisfaction which is quite motivating in itself.

3. What were your past duties as a janitor?

Cleaning rooms, cutting grass,lining fields, buffing floors, miner maintenance.

4. What do you find most rewarding about being a janitor?

I love what I do, I take pride in my work,wehen my job is done and well executed it defines my character.

5. What motivates you to work hard as Custodian?

I like for thing to shine and look good and the satisfaction that I put on people that walk into the environment face.

6. What are your greatest strengths as Custodian?

Be positive and honest. "My greatest strength is maximizing the efficiency of my staff. I have successfully managed numerous teams on difficult projects. I have an excellent ability to identify and maximize each of my staffs strengths." Give examples.

7. Tell us what is your experience with technology in a head custodian's role?

My present place of work is a huge expanse of a building and I am responsible for overseeing custodial work over all of it. I use radiophones to communicate with my staff which is an effective way of getting my orders across to people with whom I cannot be in touch physically all the time.

8. Do you have the patience to deal with the general public while cleaning as Custodian?

I can convey professional converstations with the general public on the job. I can focus well in any environment with noises and constant interruption.

9. We have met several candidates. Why are you the custodian we should hire?

Give definite examples of your skills and accomplishments. Be positive, and emphasize how your background matches the job description.

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