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Role-specific Front End Developer (AngularJS) Interview Questions & Answers:

1. Tell me how variables differ in CoffeeScript than JavaScript?

For variables in JavaScript, you have to add semi-colon at the end of it to execute while in CoffeeScript there is no need to add Semi-colon at the end of the statement. Unlike, JavaScript, CoffeeScript adds up semi-colon with ease.

2. Explain the difference between a host object and a native object?

Native – existing in JavaScript. Host – existing in the environment.

3. Tell me what are the basic rules to remember for Coffee Script?

The basic rule for Coffee Script

☛ Whitespace matters: There are no curly braces in CoffeeScript
☛ No parentheses: Functions that take arguments do not require parentheses

4. Explain does Angular use the jQuery library?

Yes, Angular can use jQuery if it's present in your app when the application is being bootstrapped. If jQuery is not present in your script path, Angular falls back to its own implementation of the subset of jQuery that we call jQLite.

Due to a change to use on()/off() rather than bind()/unbind(), Angular 1.2 only operates with jQuery 1.7.1 or above.

5. How would you call a function directly on a string?

See section on using prototypes to call functions on common data types in JavaScript Objects & Prototypes.

6. Tell me if you arrive to a new company that has 3 competing style sheets, how would you best integrate them into the site?

A stylesheet is template file consisting of font and layout settings to give a standardized look to a website or web application. To keep a consistent look and feel to a project, there should only be one stylesheet. I like to ask this question to judge problem-solving, communication and team skills.

7. Tell me what is the difference between responsive and adaptive development?

In a nutshell, responsive is fluid and flexible, whereas adaptive adapts to the detected device/screen size.

8. Tell me what is the difference between == and ===?

== compares the value; === compares the value and the type:

"5" == 5; // true

"5" === 5; // false

9. Explain how will you show/hide buttons and enable/disable buttons conditionally?

Using the ng-show and ng-disabled directives.

<div class="dataControlPanel"

<div class="dataControlButtons">
<button class="btn btn-primary btn-small"
ng-click="saveComments()" ng-disabled="disableSaveButton">Save</button>
<button class="btn btn-primary btn-small"
ng-click="releaseRun()" ng-disabled="disableReleaseButton">Release</button>

10. Explain me your workflow when you create a web page?

The workflow of a modern front end developer has changed vastly in the past four or five years. A huge array of tools are available to build organised, scalable web applications, which reduce complex and automate repetitive tasks. Each developer will share a different unique workflow which will give you valuable insight into their organisational patterns and general technical preferences.

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