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Fresh MooTools Interview Questions & Answers:

1. How to use the gallery with data from flickr in MooTools?

Just download the version of smoothgallery with the flickr plugin and follow those steps:

Put proxy.php from the archive in the same folder as your html file.
Use demoflickr.html as an example of how to use it).

2. How to make the gallery go to the next or previous image using MooTools?

Sometime you might want to remove the built in buttons to make buttons outside the gallery. Doing that is very simple: Just make your buttons call the appropriate functions.
The functions to make it go to the next or previous images are respectively:


3. How to make the gallery go to a specific image using MooTools?

Just use the goTo function. But remember that its argument is an integer starting from 0 and not 1. For example, to make it skip to the fifth image, use this code:

4. How to call the gallery from outside in MooTools?

First, when you create your gallery, you should store it in an object. In the Getting Started guide, we called this object myGallery so let's continue to use this name for our examples.
Just call the childs functions like this:

5. Suppose I want to change the way I feed the slideshow. How can I change the elements and classes it is using?

Doing so is very simple. SmoothGallery uses CSS Selectors to select elements and values. Just keep in mind that values are contained by an element.
Here are the options to change the selectors used, and their default values:
elementSelector: "div.imageElement",
titleSelector: "h3",
subtitleSelector: "p",
linkSelector: "",
imageSelector: "img.full",
thumbnailSelector: "img.thumbnail"

6. How to set up the slideshow to automatically go to the next image after a certain amount of time?

To set the timed mode, just add this options:
timed: true
Then, set your delay between image (default is 9000 miliseconds). For example, to have a delay of 5 seconds between images, set this option:
delay: 5000

7. How to change the text on the carousel tab (the "Pictures" text)?

I'm glad you asked. Since you may have different languages on your website, each instance can have it's own text. To change it, just set this option:
textShowCarousel: 'My new text'

8. How to change the arrows and their position in MooTools?

Well, you have two options:

► Either change the arrows for all the galleries, by changing those selectors background values in
.jdGallery a.left and .jdGallery a.right for all the browsers
and * html .jdGallery a.left and * html .jdGallery a.right for IE6.
► Or, you could change the arrows and position for a specific instance of the galleries in your own css file (called after the smoothgallery one), with the selectors:
#myGalleryId a.left and #myGalleryId a.right
(see how it's done in for more info on the css settings).

9. How to hide the image information panel in MooTools?

Yet another simple switch in the options:
showInfopane: false

10. How to hide the carousel in MooTools?

Just like for the arrows, add this to the options:
showCarousel: false

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