Interviewer And Interviewee Guide

Role-specific Handle Gap in Your Job Interview Questions & Answers:

1. Try to explain motherhood requires a break!

The job market still respects motherhood. May be, you will not get a start from where you left your career but getting a job should not be a problem. You can explain this to the prospective employer during the interview.

The bottom line is, draft your CV in such a way that the prospective employer is impressed with your skills and achievements. Inspite of having a gap in your employment, she should be willing to see you. Note that you should not lie in your CV or during the interview but you definitely have the right to remain silent. Once you are there for a face-to-face discussion, it is up to you to convince the interviewer.

2. Try to being made redundant is no crime!

Being made redundant may not necessarily be your fault. Companies do face problems and it could have happened with your company too. Just put it across in the right words during the interview.

3. Put your last jobs on last pages!

Mention about the specific jobs and year when you did them on the back pages, towards the right hand side.

4. Avoid the discussion regarding your bad health!

If the gap in your employment is owing to some illness, do not mention it in the CV. Leave it to be discussed during the interview. You can give an impression of good health by mentioning about some sports that you have been participating in.

5. Focus on your achievements!

Your achievements during the last jobs can find a place below your skill set.

6. Draft your entire CV around your skills!

Go through the job requirements well and draft your CV in such a way that the prospective employer gets to see your skills and strengths first. This can be done by keeping your skill sets on the first page.

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