Interviewer And Interviewee Guide

Essential Job Performance Review Interview Questions & Answers:

1. List some steps to behave during your job performance review?

Here are some steps to behave during job performance review:
☛ Have a list of items to talk about ready beforehand.
☛ Be alert, upbeat, and ready to talk.
☛ Be completely open
☛ Be ready to discuss your role in the "big picture
☛ Be honest about what isn't working for you
☛ React to criticism seriously but never angrily

2. Why should you consider your criticism objectively?

It is easy to feel personally offended by criticism during a job performance review. However, unless your supervisor attacked you personally, you have no reason to be offended. A performance review is meant to be a constructive exercise aimed at improving your work, not one aimed at undermining you or making you feel bad about yourself. The only thing being judged is your work, not you personally.
☛ If you are having a hard time taking your mind off of the criticism you received during a difficult review, try using a technique called "Thought Awareness." As you feel yourself getting angry, sad, or discouraged in the face of criticism, take the opportunity to think about your thoughts. Think about why you feel the way you do and critically observe your own stream of consciousness. By "getting out of your own head," you give yourself a chance to react logically to your criticism, rather than reacting to the way it makes you feel.

3. How would you look for opportunities to show your improvement?

If your supervisor has seriously criticized your work, they will be looking for some sort of measurable improvement in the near future. Do not let your hard work go unnoticed. Make a point to bring up your improvement during your next meeting or one-on-one talk and be ready to back up your claim with evidence.
☛ To make a great impression after being criticized during a review, make an effort to start "checking in" with your supervisor to discuss your progress. As soon as you have made some sort of accomplishment that demonstrates your progress, bring it up during your "check in" session. For instance, if your boss originally brought up the fact that your level of output in terms of progress on your projects has been slipping, you will definitely want to mention when you finish your next project early.

4. How can you benefit from job performance reviews?

Here is a list of some of the benefits you can gain from being that active participation in the reviewing performance:
☛ Learn what is expected from you in specific terms (reduces guessing and helps you steer your own work and job performance.)
☛ Know where you stand (this should be throughout the entire year.)
☛ Receive help from your manager in terms of improving performance (performance reviews are not just about going over the past).
☛ Have your questions answered about your job.
☛ Learn how your specific job tasks and performance fit into the overall function of the work unit or department and how you contribute to the company.
☛ Receive recognition for what you have achieved and done well.

5. Why should you not neglect any minor criticisms you were given?

A positive performance review does not necessarily have to be 100% positive. Take note of any criticisms you do receive during your review and give them the same amount of attention you would give the criticisms from a negative review. Supervisors love employees who are not satisfied with "good enough", so look for opportunities to go the extra mile and earn a 100% positive review next time.
☛ In addition, it is worth remembering that, at your next review, your supervisor will probably bring up these past criticisms. It can be very embarrassing to explain to your supervisor that you have not taken any action based on these criticisms, so do not put yourself in this position.

6. Why should you not rest on your laurels?

Do not make the mistake of slacking off after you have been given a good review. This signals to your boss that your continued effort at your job is dependent on the level of praise you receive, rather than a result of your personal dedication. Over time, an employee who is content to rely on past achievements to justify their existence can make a prime candidate for downsizing, so never stop setting (and meeting) ambitious goals for yourself.

7. Why should you take pride in your accomplishment?

A positive performance review is something to be very proud about it is a sign that your supervisor is happy with your work and that your position is most likely secure for the near future. A positive review is almost always something you have to work hard to earn, so take the opportunity to feel good about yourself.
☛ You may even want to have a small celebration with your family and friends after a good review. This is a great idea, but be careful not to spread the word about your celebration among your fellow employees, this can hurt the feelings of people who did not get good reviews.

8. How would you look for opportunities for continued improvement?

Never stop trying to improve your work. Demonstrate your long term dedication to your job by trying to improve even after you have been told you are doing a good job. Remember that a positive review is not an invitation to take a break, rather, it is a sign that your employer loves the work you are doing and wants more.
☛ Keep in mind that, at most jobs, there are very real rewards to striving for excellence. For instance, if your supervisor only has one promotion to give to their employees, they will probably give it to the person that strove to improve their work, rather than one that was content getting mostly positive reviews.

9. List some steps for responding to a positive performance review?

Here are some steps to respond to a positive performance review:
Take pride in your accomplishment.
Look for opportunities for continued improvement.
Do not neglect any minor criticisms you were given.
Do not rest on your laurels.

10. Why should you keep the results of your performance review to yourself?

Usually, performance reviews are the sort of thing you will want to keep to yourself about. Like your salary, this type of information can lead to jealousy and hurt feelings if you're too open about it. Do not bring up the results of your review in casual conversations. Instead, only consider discussing your review with your family, your friends outside of work, and select coworkers you have a great amount of trust in.
☛ If, for some reason, you do need to discuss your results with others, be tactful. Do not brag or joke about your results, you will never know how they will compare to your fellow coworkers'.

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