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Operational Siebel Interview Questions & Answers:

1. Explain the difference between Siebel 7.5.2 and 7.7 Versions?

Having lot of differences between siebel 7.7 and 7.5.2. the primary difference among them is " Symbolic strings are available in Siebel 7.7 and not available in 7.5.2". hence the future scope for up-gradation like things are high in Siebel 7.7.

2. Explain the difference between static and dynamic toggles?

Static Toggle allows users to toggle between applets by selecting the name of the applet from the Show drop-down list.
Dynamic Toggle Automatically toggles between applets based on the value of a field in a parent applet.

3. Explain the difference between fields and single value fields?

Multivalue field has the child values from a chind BC for the parent record configured through MVL. Single value field will be either from the base table or joined table. The Difference between Single Value Field (SVF) and Multi Value Field(MVF).

SVF- a field in BC which references a column in a table.
MVF- a field in parent BC which references a field in child BC Field-Identifies and defines a field in a business component. All fields making up a business component record contain entries from both Single Value Field and Multi Value Field object types.

4. Explain the difference between predefaults and post defaults?

The Pre Default Value property of a field (Predefautls Value in the Object List Editor) automatically assigns a value to that field for a new record. The user can modify the field if it is displayed and not set to Read Only.

The Post Default Value property of a field assigns a value to a field before the record is written to the database, if one has not been entered by the user.

5. What is the use of primary Id field in links?

Primary ID Field property specifies the name of the field in the master business component that holds the row ID values pointing to primary records in the detail business component.

6. How to create an LOV?

In Application Administration screen, go to LOV Explorer and create the LOV type first. Then on come List of Values in Application Administration and associate values for that LOV type.

7. Explain the difference between Employee facing and Customer facing applications?

Employee facing applications are those which are used by internal employees of the organization, these are High Interactivity application.
Whereas Customer facing applications are those which are used and accessed by outside users and are on Standard Interactivity.

8. Define Localisation?

Modify the object definitions in the local repository.

9. How to handle error handling in WFs?

Persistency, Exception points and write to file, Write a error handling workflow.

10. What is High Interactivity mode?

High Interactivity mode is designed to resemble a Windows client. It supports fewer browsers than Standard Interactivity mode, but it includes a set of features that make data entry easier for users. For example, page refreshes do not occur as often as they do in Standard Interactivity mode. Users can create new records in a list, save the data, and continue browsing without a page refresh having to occur.

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