Interviewer And Interviewee Guide

Role-specific Website Developer Interview Questions & Answers:

1. Tell me what is long polling?

Long polling is a web application development pattern used to emulate pushing data from the server to the client. When the long polling is used, the client sends a request to the server, and the connection remains intact until the server is ready to send data to the client. The connection will be closed only after the data is sent back to the client or connection timeout occurs.

2. Tell us do you find any particular languages or technologies intimidating?

I've often felt that the more I learn, the less I feel like I know. Solving one mystery opens up ten others. Having the interviewee tell you their faults can reveal a lot about what they know.

3. Tell me the advantage of HTTP/2 as compared with HTTP 1.1?

The advantage of HTTP/2 compared to HTTP/1.1 is

☛ HTTP headers data compression
☛ Server push technologies
☛ Over a single TCP connection parallel loading of page elements
☛ Prioritization of request

4. Explain me how Do You Make Border Rounded With CSS3?

Yes, in CSS3, there is a <border-radius> property which allows creating an element with rounded corners. We can apply the same style to all the sides and make the corners round.

The <border-radius> property has four individual properties <border-top-left-radius>, <border-top-right-radius>, <border-bottom-left-radius> and <border-bottom-right-radius>.

5. Tell me what Is A Class Selector?

In CSS, a class selector is an expression which begins with a full stop (“.”) and followed by the name of a class. The class attribute could be a space-separated list of items, and one of those must match with the class name specified in the selector.

Here is an example which selects a div and modified it style.

.sampleclass {font-family: Ariel; font-size: 10; background: green;}

<div class="sampleclass">....</div>

6. Tell me what are a few sites you admire and why?

Find out what inspires them. While it doesn't necessarily "take one to know one," a great developer should always have a few impressive favorites.

7. Tell me what Are Transitions In CSS3?

CSS3 transitions help to create easy and fast animation effect. They not only give us control to change the value of a property but also let it proceed slowly for the given duration.

We can use the following CSS properties.

transition, transition-delay, transition-duration, transition-property, and transition-timing-function.

8. Tell me what Is A Canvas? And What Is Its Default Border Size?

Canvas is an HTML5 element which can draw graphics on the fly with the help of JavaScript. The <canvas> element can only contain graphics. It supports a no. of methods for drawing paths, boxes, circles, text, and images.

By default, It has no border. However, it allows using CSS to change the border style.

9. Do you know table-less XHTML? Do you validate your code?

Weed out the old-school table-driven design junkies! Find a developer who uses HTML elements for what they were actually intended. Also, many developers will say they can go table-less, but when actually building sites they still use tables out of habit and/or convenience. Possibly draw up a quick navigation menu or article and have them write the markup for it. To be tricky, you could draw up tabular data - give them bonus points if they point out that a table should be used in that scenario :)

10. Tell us what web browser do you use?

There is a right answer to this question: all of them. A competent developer should be familiar with testing cross-browser compatibility by using all the major web browsers. Obviously they'll have a primary browser they use for surfing, but their answer to this question might be a good way for you to segue to asking how extensively they test cross-browser issues. Also, if it's some kind of css/html position seeing what toolbars they have installed can be a good metric of their skillset.

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