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BEA Weblogic Interview Question:
How do I use Unicode codesets with the WebLogic jDriver for Oracle driver?
Submitted by: AdministratorTo use Unicode codesets:
1. Install the appropriate codeset when you install Oracle. If you did not do this in the original installation, you will need to re-run the Oracle installer and install the proper codeset.
2. Define the NLS_LANG variable in the environment where the JDBC driver is running. Do this by assigning the proper codeset to NLS_LANG in the shell from where you start the WebLogic Server.
The Developers Guide has more information about internationalization support.
Submitted by: Administrator
1. Install the appropriate codeset when you install Oracle. If you did not do this in the original installation, you will need to re-run the Oracle installer and install the proper codeset.
2. Define the NLS_LANG variable in the environment where the JDBC driver is running. Do this by assigning the proper codeset to NLS_LANG in the shell from where you start the WebLogic Server.
The Developers Guide has more information about internationalization support.
Submitted by: Administrator
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