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SilkTest Interview Question:

Need help to create Frame Work with Web testing
1) Should I do window declaration for each page
2) Should I do window declaration with multiple tag
3) Which multitag should I choose?

Submitted by: Administrator
Anwser 1:
1) Should I do window declaration for each page Not necessarily but in most probability, u will have to do it. However, you don't need to declare every object in every page. You need to make use of inheritance so that an object declared in main class can be inherited to sub classes.
2) Should I do window declaration with multiple tag You can use multi tag to declare windows. When I say multi, you can use different captions of the window.
3) Which multitag should I choose Caption
From my experience, this multi tag should be WindowID.
Let me explain,
If you have two instances of the same application running, (obviously, both will have same caption), a conflict arises. In such a situation, Silk Test script fails.
To avoid this condition, Window ID can be used, because, even if two instances are running at a time, the window ID's would still be unique.

Anwser 2:
For Web based windows, dialogs, Window IDs are not much useful. Now silktest is identifying the object's variable name in source code. It will be similar to window ID. For stand alone applications, Win ID will be useful. Even if you look into silktest's INC files, you can see window ID.
While coming to duplicates of windows, then you can use window location, index and window ID. Mostly people are using Index like calc[1],calc[2],#1 and #2. Rarely ID and location (points X&Y) are used. I'm using location to some of modal dialogboxes in our AUT.
Submitted by: Administrator

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