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#1 2017-07-27 06:35:55

From: Capital
Registered: 2012-03-16
Posts: 23,140

67+ UX Designer Interview Questions And Answers

Designing UX Designer Job Interview Questions and Answers

UX Designer based job interviews test questions and answers list. The one who provides the best answers with a perfect presentation is the one who wins the job hunting stack. Learn about UX Designer and get preparation for your new job interview

What you love most about UI design?
Do you know what is a category and when is it used?
Tell Me How Do You Keep Your Knowledge Of UX Design & Techniques Up To Date?
Tell me what is your design process?
Explain your challenges as a UI designer?
Explain me do you prefer to work alone or with a team?
Explain what is the average working day of a UI designer?
Tell Us What Attracted You To This UX Position?
Tell me what are some apps or websites that you love?
Explain me how do you manage the difference with your UX designer?
Tell me why should I hire you as UX Designer?
Tell me how you see yourself as a UI designer in coming future?
Explain Where Do You See Yourself In Five Years as UX Designer?
Explain Me What Are Your Favorite Aspects Of Your Current Role?
Tell me how do you decide when to use infinite scroll or pagination?
Tell me how could AR and VR change the future of mobile design?
Explain me how do you work with engineers/Product Managers/other designers?
Tell us how do you prioritize which product features to keep or discard?
Explain me what is the best way to improve User Experience (UX) without changing the interface?
Suppose a product manager in your company reports that the application is crashing. What do you do?
Tell us what is the best practice when it comes to designing icons for a mobile product? Which are better for scanning? What is the difference between a filled or outlined icon?
Tell me what's your preference when writing UI's? Xib files, Storyboards or programmatic UIView?
Explain me when do you choose a hamburger menu and how this is this pattern interpreted by the user?
Please explain what is the difference between native mobile app design and responsive web design? Do we really need both?
Explain me how do you keep yourself informed of changing UX design trends and education?
Explain what considerations do you need when writing a UITableViewController which shows images downloaded from a remote server?
Explain me how do you deal with input fields on mobile designs? Why are they important, how do they affect the end-result?
Tell me how would you securely store private user data offline on a device? What other security best practices should be taken?
Explain what’s the difference between not-running, inactive, active, background and suspended execution states?
Tell me when designing for mobile we always try to squish everything down in an attempt to provide as much information as possible. How can you resist the urge to clean up the UI, while still displaying important information?
Basic UX Designer Job Interview Questions:
UX Technical Skills based Job Interview Questions:
UX Commercial Application related Job Interview Questions:
UX Design Process Job Interview Questions:
Role-specific UX Designer Job Interview Questions:
UX Culture Fit Job Interview Questions:
UX Research Process Job Interview Questions:
Operational UX Designer Job Interview Questions:
Interaction Designer role based job interview questions:
Tell us how will you communicate your design decisions to developers, stakeholders, and project managers?
Please explain about an assignment that was too difficult. How did you handle the situation?
Tell me what is the difference between viewDidLoad and viewDidAppear?  Which should you use to load data from a remote server to display in the view?
Explain me are tabs as a pattern good for mobile design? How do they affect an app’s usability?
Explain me how can we extend a user interface with pre-built actions from mobile platforms or other devices? For example, how do you design around Apple’s 3D Touch?
Tell Me What Would You Say Your Key Skills Are As A UX Designer?
Suppose the client is upset with a particular element of design that you have done. They believe that you have not created what they asked for. How would you handle this?
Explain me what in your views is the future of UI design?
Tell us what is the most interesting project you have worked on?
Explain me what is AutoLayout? What does it mean when a constraint is "broken" by iOS?
Tell us what's the difference between using a delegate and notification?
Tell me the difference between atomic and nonatomic synthesized properties?
Tell us how should one properly design push notifications? Why are they so important?
Tell Me What Do You Think The Most Important Part Of The UX Design Process Is?
Can you take me through how you used the UX design process in a project?
Explain me how would you explain the UX design process?
Tell me what is your expertise as a UI designer?
Why do you want to work at [company x] as UX Designer?
Tell us who in the industry do you follow and read?
Explain me how do you define UX/design?
Tell me what is MVC and how is it implemented in iOS?  What are some pitfalls you've experienced with it? Are there any alternatives to MVC?
Tell me what is KVC and KVO? Give an example of using KVC to set a value?
Tell me the difference between copy and retain?
Tell us what is onboarding and why is it so important for mobile design?
Explain me how can designers leverage audio to enhance user experience?
Tell me what is the best search pattern for mobile phones?
Tell us what are cards in mobile design? Why are they good and when is the best time to use them?
Tell Us What Do You Do When There’s Not Enough Time To Do Research?

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2017-07-27 06:35:55

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