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#1 2012-04-03 02:56:53

From: Capital
Registered: 2012-03-16
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Aeronautical Engineering Interview Questions And Answers

Engineering :: Aeronautical Engineering Job Interview Questions and Answers

Aeronautical Engineering job interview preparation guide. Number of Aeronautical Engineering frequently asked questions(FAQs) asked in many Aeronautical Engineering interviews

1 ► Rotation of dc shunt motor is revers by using 2 methods,which method is best and why?
3 ► How the vfd is working?
4 ► Why airline prefer beautiful girls for hostesses?
5 ► Can a carbon dioxide   gas use as fuel source?
6 ► How the shockwave produced in aerofoil,and actually what happen that region?
7 ► 1)what distance should be maintained between networking (data) cable & power cable if both cables are run in a seperate condute pipe parallaly?2)what happens if networking cable & power cable run parallel to each other, eventhough they run in a seperate condute pipes?
8 ► What is yawing motion?
9 ► Which is the high thrust producing jet engine?
10 ► What is the difference between stress and pressure?
11 ► What type of bearing used in bell helicopters?
12 ► How can we draw design the airfoils using NACA series?
13 ► Why refrigeration is done inside aircraft, and why aircraftbody is made of aluminums?
14 ► What is ram jet?
15 ► Does not simplification of complex honeycomb designed for thermal protection system of are usable launch vehicles jeopardize the accuracy of results?
16 ► Are thermal protection systems of space crafts commonly composed of one panel or a collection of smaller tiles?
17 ► What is a liquid metal?
18 ► What is the highest temperature the space shuttleundersurface experiences during its mission?
19 ► Explain how you overcame a major obstacle?
20 ► Explain What are the main areas in Aviation?
21 ► Tell me What is the requirement to become a Professional Engineer (PE) in the field of Aerospace?
22 ► Explain What made you choose aerospace engineer line as your career?
23 ► Explain the differences between Aeronautical Engineering and astronautically engineering?
24 ► What do you understand by Aerodynamics/performance analysis?
25 ► Explain What will be the responsibility of the spacecraftoperations, dynamics and controls?
26 ► Tell me about stress analysis?
27 ► Explain What is the testing done in aerospace engineering?
28 ► Tell me How would you handle if your co-worker is not co-operating with you?
29 ► Explain What would you do if your Captain is not following the instructions properly?
30 ► Explain When can one deviate from any flight rules and regulations?
31 ► When pilot is assigned a speed, how much can one deviate from that speed?
32 ► Without Air Traffic Control, what is the minimum descent rate can descend the plane?
33 ► Can you miss the clearance limit and loose commands from the Air Craft Officer?

2012-04-03 02:56:53

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