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#1 2012-04-03 02:58:33

From: Capital
Registered: 2012-03-16
Posts: 23,140

CMS Interview Questions And Answers

Content Management System (CMS) :: Content Management System (CMS) Job Interview Questions and Answers

CMS Interview Questions and Answers will guide us now that a Content Management System (CMS) is a collection of procedures used to manage work flow in a collaborative environment. These procedures can be manual or computer-based. Learn Content Management System this brief and comprehensive Content Management System Interview Questions with Answers guide

1 ► What is a content management system?
2 ► What is the purpose of Content Management System (CMS)?
3 ► What are the benefits of CMS?
4 ► I am sold, how much will it cost?
5 ► But the expensive ones are better, right?
6 ► Are not many of those products blogging tools?
7 ► So how do I decide CMS?
8 ► Once I have settled on a CMS, that s all my content problems solved then?
9 ► Do CMSs produce standards-compliant pages? Or accessible ones?
10 ► But once all thats squared away, I can let my staff loose on the system?
11 ► What are Types of CMS?

2012-04-03 02:58:33

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