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#1 2018-02-02 02:57:44

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80+ AutoCAD Interview Questions And Answers

Applications Programs AutoCAD Job Interview Questions and Answers

AutoCAD Tutorial and Interview Questions and Answers Guide provide you the best way to learn AutoCad and get preparation of any job offered in AutoCad field. AutoCAD is the industry leader in 3D CAD designing, drafting, modeling, architectural drawing, and engineering software and our Auto Cad Interview Questions and Answers will guide you that Auto Cad is best-in-class customizable and expendable CAD application. Build your knowledge by our AutoCad Tutorial plus Interview Questions and Answers

Do you know which one of the following key combinations will toggle coords?
Which one of the following is the maximum number of layers which can be defined in an autocad drawing?
The effect of the explode command in autocad wen applied to a block is to?
When using the SOLVIEW command on a blank PS layout which sub command should be issued first  and why?
When constructing an AutoCAD Solid Model the UCS command is used to
In a Windoze dialogue box, moving from one field to another is achieved by which of the following key  combinations?
Which of the following key combinations does not invoke an I/O command?
A common command for many Windoze applications is "Page Setup". What in AutoCAD does Page  Setup achieve?
Why does AutoCAD allow you more than one layout?
AutoCAD has had the dreaded Model Space and Paper Space since R12. What is the main advantage of  the system?
Which one of the following commands can be used to obtain information about a selected object?
Which one of the following is the maximum number of layers which can be defined in an AutoCAD  drawing?
The effect of freezing a layer is to?
Which of the following shapes CANNOT be drawn by the polygon command?
Which one of the following statements is False?
When breaking a circle the break will occur in the
Which one of the following is the BEST procedure for drawing a line from the point of intersection of a line  and a circle?
One effect of setting the value of MIRRTEXT=0 is that?
Which one of the following commands can be used to change the value of a system variable?
Which of the following system variables controls the accuracy of approximation of a spline curve?
The system variable SPLINETYPE determines?
Which one of the following system variables determines the visibility of the control points of a pline spline  curve?
Which one of the following allows the value of the system variable PICKBOX to be changed whilst in the  ERASE command?
If the system variable MIRRTEXT is set to 1, text is
The SETVAR command is used to?
Which one of the following is a correct statement regarding AutoCAD blocks?
Which one of the following methods should be used to repeat a complex part in a drawing in order to  minimise file size?
The use of blocks allows libraries of standard parts to be developed and saved for latter use. Blocks may  be stored
The effect of the EXPLODE command when applied to a block is to?
What is the significance of using the command WBLOCK?
Which one of the following best defines attributes as used in AutoCAD and defined by the command  DDATTDEF.
Which one of the following system variables disables the prompt which asks for attribute values, and  causes attributes to be set to their defaults?
The following two commands used one after the other BOUNDARY then pick inside an area ERASE ALL  R LAST produces which of these results
The "select object" option "Previous" is best described by
When using the move command to move a single object by a given distance, which is the best of the  following methods?
There are at least eleven options to the "select objects" prompt. Which of the following has an incorrect  option?
The shape above is based on a 10 unit module. which is the correct set of codes to draw this shape,  starting at the lower left and moving anti clock wise
Which one of the following would draw a vertical line 30 units in length from a previously defined point  given as 30,50?
ou are designing a floor plan and know the length and angle of one of the wall segments to be 1500mm  and 30 degrees. This is to be followed by a wall 2000mm long at 90 degrees to the first.  Which one of the following is the correct input?
Which one of the following is an AutoCAD relative polar co-ordinate
To continue drawing a line from the last known point, enter
When drawing a digital watch measuring 30mm x 25mm, which one of the following would be the BEST  set of drawing limits to use?
Which one of the following is an AutoCAD absolute point co-ordinate?
The position of a mouse on a surface is NOT directly related to the position of the screen cursor. This  makes the mouse unsuitable for
Absolute co ordinates are measured from the
Which one of the following best describes a "user co-ordinate System"?
When designing an integrated circuit measuring 5mm x 5mm the measurements should be entered  using a scale of
Which one of the following key combinations will toggle COORDS?
Which one of the following key combinations will toggle SNAP?
Which of the following statements is true?
Which of the following key combinations issues the ISOPLANE command?
The shortcuts or command alias that allows us to key in L and AutoCAD responds with LINE are stored in  a file named
Which one of the following key combinations is a standard windoze short cut that does not relate to the  clipboard.
The line types definitions are stored on the system with an extension of?
Which one of the following could be an AutoCad drawing file?
Which one of the following is the AutoCAD filename extension used to indicate a compiled text font?
The special character string that is used to print the diameter sign is
When is a space NOT interpreted as the enter key?
Which of the following commands will NOT place some form of text within the drawing
The text option that prompts the user for two endpoints and then automatically calculates the text height  and positions the text between the two points is chosen from this AutoCAD prompt  Align/Fit/Center/Middle/Right/TL/TC/TR/ML/MC/MR/BL/BC/BR  Which one is correct?
The effect of QTEXT being ON is to?
Which of the following is an AutoCAD font for mathematical symbols?
The special character string that causes text to be underlined is
What option would be selected following the TEXT command to select a different type of text to that  currently in use?
A house measures 15000 mm x 8000 mm in plan view. When drawing the plan view only which one of  the following sets of limits would be BEST to use?
How many entity colours does AutoCAD support?
When using AutoCAD for the design of a mechanical component measuring 1000 mm by 500 mm, the  dimensions would normally be entered at a scale of?
In order for the grid command to work correctly two settings have to be established.
Which one of the following BEST defines a "prototype" or "template" drawing?
When producing a drawing of a site plan measuring 300m x 275m dimensions should be entered to a  scale of?
Which one of the following commands can be used to turn the grid through 45 degrees ?
Which one of the following commands would be used to limit the movement of the cursor to specified  increments?
The MAXIMUM number of commands whose effect can be undone by the UNDO command is?
Which one of the following commands CANNOT be undone?
Which one of the following commands allows simultaneous  pan and zoom?
Which one of the following commands forces AutoCAD to  revise the entire drawing taking into account the effect of  changes within the system?
Which one of the following options of the UNDO command allows the undo facility to be disabled?
The command to scale a paper space viewport to half the  drawn size is?
Which of the following statements is true for AutoCad?
To reverse the UNDO command the correct entry is?

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2018-02-02 02:57:44

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