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#1 2019-03-18 11:56:00

From: Capital
Registered: 2012-03-16
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58+ SAP ERP Interview Questions And Answers

Systems, Applications, and Products (SAP) SAP ERP Job Interview Questions and Answers

SAP ERP related interview test questions and answers guide. The one who provides the best answers with a perfect presentation is the one who wins the job hunting race. Learn more about SAP ERP and get preparation for the new job interview

Tell us what are SET parameters and GET parameters?
Do you know what are variables?
Tell us what is the difference between Domain and Data Element?
Explain me what is the difference between SAP BASIS and SAP ABAP?
Explain me what is Meta data, Master data and Transaction data?
Tell me what is the process to create a table in the data dictionary?
Please explain what are reason codes used in Account Receivable?
Tell us what is meant by a “baseline data” in SAP AR and AP?
Explain me briefly about SAP?
Can you mention some of the set-backs of SAP?
Explain me what do you mean by one-time vendors?
Do you know what is an update type with reference to a match code ID?
Tell us how can an ERP analyst improve the speed of an ERP implementation?
Can you list out the different types of the source system in SAP?
Do you know what is Bex?
Tell me is SAP A Database?
Explain me what kinds of ERP systems have you worked with?
Tell me what is meant by “Business Content” in SAP?
Please explain what is an application, presentation and database servers in SAP R/3?
Do you know what is AWB?
Tell us can we run business warehouse without SAP R/3 implementation?
Explain me about your experience with ERP training programs?
Tell us what is Extractor?
Tell us what are the three stages of data-mining?
Tell us what is a transaction in SAP terminology?
Explain me how have you worked with the different functional areas to keep projects moving forward?
Tell us what is the protocol does SAP Gateway process use?
Tell me the two types of services that are used to deal with communication?
Tell me what is ALE, IDOC, EDI, RFC and explain briefly?
Can you mention what are the different types of variables?
Do you know what are the different types of ERP’s?
Do you know why implement an ERP system?
Explain me what is pooled tables?
Explain me what is the difference between the “residual payment” and “partial payment” methods of allocating cash in account receivable?
Explain me what is BDC stand for? How many methods of BDC are there?
Can you mention where are t-code name and program values stored? Explain how can you find a list of all t-codes in the SAP system?
Can you list the Different Modules in SAP?
Tell us what functional areas do you know best, and how have you built bridges from there to other parts of the enterprise?
Explain me what is extended star schema?
Do you know what is dispatcher?
Tell us what should be the approach for writing a BDC program?
Tell us what are internal tables, check tables, value tables, and transparent table?
Do you know what is LUW (Logical Unit Of Work)?
Explain me what are the different layers in R/3 system?
Explain me what do you mean by datasets?
Do you know what is Net Weaver?
Tell me have you developed custom transaction software?
Explain me what is ERP?
Explain me what are the common transport errors?
Tell us what the .sca files and mention their importance?
Tell me what are the major benefits of reporting with BW over R/3?
Do you know what is a company in SAP?
Tell us what are the standard stages of the SAP Payment Run?
Explain me what is the importance of ODS in BIW?
Explain me what is the difference between OLAP and Data Mining?
Explain me how many SAP Sessions can you work on at a given time?
Tell us what are the different SAP products?
Tell us why should I choose Mosaic 21 Applications for my ERP solution?

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2019-03-18 11:56:00

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