1. Tell us what are SET parameters and GET parameters?

To use parameter IDs, you need to “set” values in the global memory area and then “get” values from this parameter ID memory area. In the case of the online program, you have to “Set” values from screen fields, and you will “get” these values for screen fields.

2. Do you know what are variables?

Variables are parameters of a query that are set in the parameter query definition and are not filled with values until the queries are entered into the workbooks.

3. Tell us what is the difference between Domain and Data Element?

☛ Data Element: It is an intermediate object between domain and table type
☛ Domain: It defines the attributes such as length, type, and possible value range

4. Explain me what is the difference between SAP BASIS and SAP ABAP?

SAP ABAP is the programming language used within SAP to customize, generate forms, generate reports, etc. While SAP basis is, the administration module of SAP used to control code changes, upgrades, database admin, network setup, etc.

5. Explain me what is Meta data, Master data and Transaction data?

Meta Data: Meta Data is data about Data. It tells you about the structure of data or MetaObjects.
Master Data: This Data is key business information like Customer information , Employee , Materials etc. This is more like a reference data. For Ex. If a customer orders 10 units of your product instead of asking customer for his shipping address 10 times , the same can be referenced from the Customer Master Data.
Transaction Data: This is data related to day to day transactions.

6. Tell me what is the process to create a table in the data dictionary?

To create a table in the data dictionary, you have to follow this steps
☛ 1. Creating domains (data type, field length, range)
☛ 2. Creating data elements (Properties and type for a table field)
☛ 3. Creating tables (SE 11)

7. Please explain what are reason codes used in Account Receivable?

“Reason Codes” are tags that can be allocated to describe under/overpayments during the allocation of incoming customer payments. They should not be mixed up with “void reason codes” used when outgoing cheques are produced.

8. Tell us what is meant by a “baseline data” in SAP AR and AP?

The baseline date is the date from which the payment terms apply. Usually, it is the document date on the invoice but can also be the date of entry or posting date from the ledger.

9. Explain me briefly about SAP?

SAP stands for Systems Applications and Products in Data Processing. It was Founded in 1972 by Wellenreuther, Hopp, Hector, Plattner and Tschira and is a German Company.
SAP is name of the company as well its ERP product.
SAP is #1 in the ERP market .As of 2010; SAP has more than 140,000 installations worldwide, over 25 industry-specific business solutions, and more than 75,000 customers in 120 countries.

10. Can you mention some of the set-backs of SAP?

☛ 1. It is expensive
☛ 2. Demands highly trained staff
☛ 3. Lengthy implementation time
☛ 4. Interfaces are a little bit complex
☛ 5. Does not determine where master data resides

11. Explain me what do you mean by one-time vendors?

In certain industries, it is not possible to create new master records for every vendor trading partner. One-time vendor enables for a dummy vendor code to be used on invoice entry and the information that is normally stored in the vendor master, is keyed on the invoice itself.

12. Do you know what is an update type with reference to a match code ID?

If the data in one of the base tables of a matchcode ID changes, the matchcode data has to be updated. The update type stipulates when the match-code has to be updated and how it has to be done. The update type also defines which method is to be used for building match-codes.

13. Tell us how can an ERP analyst improve the speed of an ERP implementation?

Seip strongly recommends utilizing the SAP ASAP Methodology for SAP systems. Your ideal candidate should be familiar with ASAP or industry best-practice information published continuously by other leading ERP software providers.

14. Can you list out the different types of the source system in SAP?

The different types of the source system in SAP includes
☛ 1. SAP R/3 source system
☛ 2. SAP BW
☛ 3. Flat files
☛ 4. External Systems

15. Do you know what is Bex?

Bex means Business Explorer. It allows end user to locate reports, analyze information, view reports and can execute queries. The queries in workbook can be saved to their respective roles in the Bex browser. It has following components Bex analyzer, Bex Map and Bex web.

16. Tell me is SAP A Database?

SAP is not a database but its an application that makes use of databases provided by other vendors like Oracle, SQLServer etc.

17. Explain me what kinds of ERP systems have you worked with?

Some organizations have deployed a hybrid comprised of multiple ERP solutions, while others may have created their own using open-systems software. Make sure your candidate is familiar with the system (or systems) you use or plan to use.

18. Tell me what is meant by “Business Content” in SAP?

Business Content in SAP is a pre-configured and pre-defined models of information contained in the SAP warehouse which can be used directly or with desired modification in different industries.

19. Please explain what is an application, presentation and database servers in SAP R/3?

The application layer of a R/3 system is made up of the application server and the message server. Application programs in an R/3 system run on application servers. Using the message server, the application servers communicate with presentation components, the database and also with each other. All the data are stored in a centralized server, which is known as a database server.

20. Do you know what is AWB?

AWB stands for Administrator Workbench. It is a tool for monitoring, controlling and maintaining all the processes connected with data staging and processing in the business information warehousing.

21. Tell us can we run business warehouse without SAP R/3 implementation?

Yes, you can run business warehouse without R/3 implementation. You have to simply transfer structures associated with business warehouse data sources (ODS table, Infocube) to the inbound data files or use third party tools to connect your flat files and other data sources.

22. Explain me about your experience with ERP training programs?

A good training program helps employees become expert users of their company's new ERP systems. Your ideal candidate for an ERP specialist job will have solid experience at getting everyone up to speed easily.

23. Tell us what is Extractor?

In the SAP source system, extractors is a data retrieval mechanism. It can fill the extract structure of a data source with the data from the SAP source system datasets.

24. Tell us what are the three stages of data-mining?

Three stages of data-mining includes
☛ 1. Initial Exploration
☛ 2. Model building
☛ 3. Deployment

25. Tell us what is a transaction in SAP terminology?

In SAP terminology, a transaction is series of logically connected dialog steps.

26. Explain me how have you worked with the different functional areas to keep projects moving forward?

Any ERP implementation calls departmental autonomy into question. So implementing ERP systems requires skills in both project management and persuasion. The best ERP analysts are both reassuring and assertive.

27. Tell us what is the protocol does SAP Gateway process use?

The SAP gateway process uses TCP/IP protocol to communicate with the clients.

28. Tell me the two types of services that are used to deal with communication?

To deal with communication, you can use two types of services
☛ 1. Message Service:In order to exchange short internal messages, this service is used by the application servers
☛ 2. Gateway Service:This service allows communication between R/3 and external applications using CPI-C protocol.

29. Tell me what is ALE, IDOC, EDI, RFC and explain briefly?

1. ALE: Application Linking enabling
2. IDOC: Intermediatary documents
3. EDI: Electronic data interchange
4. RFC: Remote function call

30. Can you mention what are the different types of variables?

Variables are used in different application
☛ 1. Characteristics variable
☛ 2. Hierarchies
☛ 3. Hierarchy nodes
☛ 4. Text
☛ 5. Formulas
☛ 6. Processing Types
☛ 7. Replacement Path
☛ 8. User entry/default type

31. Do you know what are the different types of ERP's?

☛ 1. SAP
☛ 2. Baan
☛ 3. JD Edwards (now acquired by Oracle)
☛ 4. Siebel
☛ 5. PeopleSoft (now acquired by Oracle)
☛ 6. Microsoft Dynamics

32. Do you know why implement an ERP system?

ERP software integrates all departments and functions across a company onto a single computer system that can serve all those different departments' particular needs. ERP combines finance, HR, manufacturing and distribution all together into a single, integrated software program that runs off a single database so that the various departments can more easily share information and communicate with each other. This integrated approach can have a tremendous payback provided the software is installed and used correctly.

33. Explain me what is pooled tables?

Pooled tables are used to store control data. Several pooled tables can be united to form a table pool. Table tool is a physical table on the database in which all the records of the allocated pooled tables are stored.

34. Explain me what is the difference between the “residual payment” and “partial payment” methods of allocating cash in account receivable?

The difference between the residual and partial payment includes
☛ Partial payment: For example, let say invoice A456 exits for $100 and customer pay $70. With the partial payment, it offsets the invoice leaving a remaining balance $30
☛ Residual Payment: While in residual payment, invoice A456 is cleared for the full value $100 and a new invoice line item is produced for the remaining balance of $30.

35. Explain me what is BDC stand for? How many methods of BDC are there?

BDC stand for Batch Data Communication. The methods of BDC are
☛ 1. Direct Input Method
☛ 2. Batch Input Session Method
☛ 3. Call transaction Method