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#1 2016-09-23 04:29:48
69 Telesales Representative(TSR) Interview Questions And Answers
Marketing Techniques ➔ Telemarketing Job Interview Questions and Answers
Telemarketing related job interview test questions and answers guide. The one who provides the best answers with a perfect presentation is the one who wins the job hunting race. Learn about Telesales Representatives(TSR) and get preparation for the new job
❀ What do you know about B2G?
❀ Explain what are the Most Important Sales Skills?
❀ Why do you want to work here as Telesales Representative?
❀ Explain how can a call be made successful?
❀ Tell me what don't you like about sales?
❀ Tell us how will you make our telemarketing more effective?
❀ Tell us do you think unwanted marketing should be a crime?
❀ Tell me what is Auto dialer?
❀ Tell us what Do You Dislike About Sales?
❀ Tell us how do you cope with rejection?
❀ What do you know about B2C?
❀ Tell us what is your biggest achievement?
❀ Explain what are the common telemarketing fraud?
❀ Tell us how would you make a cold call to generate a lead?
❀ Tell me what do you know about the centre/company/role?
❀ Explain how do you think telemarketing can be made more effective?
❀ Explain why do you want this job as Telesales Representative?
❀ Tell us what are good telephone etiquettes?
❀ Explain what are your goals as a telemarketer?
❀ Tell me how would your team/manager describe you?
❀ Tell me when can you join?
❀ Explain what are your strengths and weaknesses?
❀ Tell me what are the key factors which make a successful call centre?
❀ Tell us what are the characteristics that distinguish direct marketing?
❀ Tell me how do you handle a customer who starts yelling at you as soon as they pick up and find out that you are a telemarketer?
❀ Explain how do you manage change?
❀ Tell us what is the biggest challenge you have faced in work in the past 12 months?
❀ Tell me what is deceptive telemarketing and how can it be avoided?
❀ Explain how would you handle a high pressure environment?
❀ Explain what was your reason for leaving as Telesales Representative?
❀ General Telesales Representative Job Interview Questions:
❀ Fresh Telesales Representative Interview Questions:
❀ Role-specific Telesales Representative Interview Questions:
❀ Operational and Situational Telesales Representative Interview Questions:
❀ Behavioral Telesales Representative Interview Questions:
❀ Common Telesales Representative Interview Questions:
❀ Basic Telesales Representative Job Interview Questions:
❀ Tell me what are the different categories and sub-categories of telemarketing?
❀ Explain what are the disclosures required in telemarketing?
❀ Tell us how many calls per hour can you make on an average campaign?
❀ Explain me an example of how you have dealt with an under-performing team member in the past?
❀ Please Explain How Do You Move On From a Rejection?
❀ Explain what do you consider the most important sales skills?
❀ Tell me what is Cold calling?
❀ Tell me what are the techniques that help build the trust of the caller?
❀ Tell me are you able to work with multiple phone lines?
❀ Tell me can you give me an example of a time when you had to motivate and develop a team in a challenging work environment?
❀ Tell us do you like making cold calls?
❀ Tell me within the interview process you may be required to perform a role-play. A popular example of this is being asked to role-play an escalated call with an unhappy customer?
❀ Explain & list some of the effective listening strategies that would be helpful in the telemarketing industry?
❀ Explain what do you do if the dialer puts a Do Not Call number through to you by mistake?
❀ Explain have you ever had conflict with your team leader or manager?
❀ Please tell me what are your strengths and weaknesses?
❀ Explain what have you done to promote great customer service?
❀ Explain What Do You See Are the Key Skills In?
❀ Explain why do you want to work in telesales?
❀ Tell me what is Spamming?
❀ Suppose you just called a customer then what are the steps you will follow during the call?
❀ Tell us what are the factors that contribute to projecting a positive image of yourself to the customer?
❀ What do you know about B2B?
❀ Why did you leave your last position as Telesales Representative?
❀ Explain an example of this behaviour?
❀ Explain Are You Uncomfortable Making Cold Calls?
❀ Explain what is the difference between telesales and telemarketing?
❀ Tell us what issues can rise from paying per appointment?
❀ Explain what will you do when a customer needs to be put on hold but is not agreeing to it?
❀ Explain what should be the priority in telemarketing according to you?
❀ Tell me what do you understand by b2b, b2c and b2g?
❀ Tell me how would you handle an angry call from a customer?
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2016-09-23 04:29:48
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