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#1 2012-03-30 09:07:57
SAP SD Interview Questions And Answers
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) :: SAP SD Job Interview Questions and Answers
SAP SD job interview preparation guide. Number of SAP SD frequently asked questions(FAQs) asked in many SAP SD interviews
1 ► How does company knows that vendor deliver the goods to the customer in third party sales process?
2 ► What are the documents Vendor will be sending to Customer in Third Party Sales?
3 ► Why sales order we need to create? when we create delivery and billing without sales order? what is the importance of sales order?
4 ► What is the diff between sto,inter company and 3rd party sale process?
5 ► What is use of sub total in pricing procedure?
6 ► After pgi completed what happens?
7 ► What are the tools are uses to get the tickets?
8 ► IN sales order for a line item for that material i want the updated price for that particular line item instead of every time going to vk11 and changing the price for that material i want the updated price for eg if the material cost is 100 rs and updated price is 110 rs i want the updated price to be trigger for that material when we give that in va01 with out maintaing in vk11?
9 ► On which conditions we can determine pricing procedure and how condition types and access sequence actually work?
10 ► What is the difference between item cat group and general item cat group?
11 ► What is movement type and what are the different types of movement types?
12 ► Explain What are fields need to be activated for the available check and TOR?
13 ► Explain How credit management is linked with pricing?
14 ► Explain What is the output used for credit management where it can be processed?
15 ► How to see the credit reports?
16 ► Explain Where are the places credit check will be done?
17 ► Tell me How the accounting document type RV will be configured and link to the billing document type?
2012-03-30 09:07:57
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