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#1 2012-04-03 02:51:11

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Bio Chemistry Interview Questions And Answers

Medical Science :: Bio Chemistry Job Interview Questions and Answers

Biochemistry Interview Questions and Answers will guide you that Bio Chemistry is the study of the chemical processes in living organisms. It deals with the structure and function of cellular components such as proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids and other biomolecules.

Among the vast number of different biomolecules, many are complex and large molecules (called polymers), which are composed of similar repeating subunits, Learn Biochemistry Interview Questions with Answers Guide

1 ► What are the favorable conditions for formation of cat ions?
2 ► What is electrophilic addition reaction?
3 ► What is nucleophilic addition reaction?
4 ► How do you define free radical addition reaction? Give an example.
5 ► What is addition reaction?
6 ► Give the example for electrophilic substitution reaction.
7 ► What are the favorable conditions for formation of Anions?
8 ► Define lattice energy.
9 ► What happens if Lattice energy increases?
10 ► What is Sublimation energy?
11 ► What can you calculate by selecting Born-Haber cycle?
12 ► How can energy change in the formation of NACL be determined?
13 ► What is the relation between reaction taking place in one of the several stages and the total amount of energy liberated in the reaction?
14 ► Define limiting radius.
15 ► What is Co-ordination number?
16 ► What is structure of Nacl and give the co-ordination number of Nacl?
17 ► What is the structure of cscl and give the co-ordination number of Cscl?
18 ► Ionic compound does not show the property of space isomerism, Give the reason?
19 ► In double bond, how many sigma and Pi bonds are present in it?
20 ► Among sigma and Pi bonds which is the stronger one
21 ► Define polar covalent bond
22 ► What is dipole?
23 ► Covalent bond is directional therefore which covalent property is shown?
24 ► Which theory explains the paramagnetic nature of oxygen? Who proposed it?
25 ► Define co-ordination covalent bond.
26 ► What does one Debye equals?
27 ► If a polar molecule has a charge of 4.8 * 10^ (-10) and internuclear distance is 1A then what is its dipole moment?
28 ► Give the mathematical expression to calculate or measure the percentage of ionic Character.
29 ► Who proposed VSEPR theory? What does it explain?
30 ► In water molecule the bond angle decreases from 109.28 to 104.5, why this does happens?
31 ► In NH3 molecule, the bond angle decreases from 109.28 to 107.3 why does it happen.
32 ► Define Hybridization.
33 ► According to which rule the distribution of electrons into hybrid orbital takes place.
34 ► What is the shape of molecules SF6 and IF7?
35 ► Give the reason why the water molecule has high Boiling point and melting points.
36 ► What are the units of bond length?
37 ► What is the order of C-H bond length in C2H6 and C2H4 and C2H2?
38 ► Define bond angle.
39 ► IN XeF4, the bond angle between F-Xe-F is _________.
40 ► Define bond energy?
41 ► Define the phenomenon resonance?
42 ► Which group of elements is called alkaline earth metals?
43 ► Among 1A group elements why the element lithium is the most powerful, reducing agent in equivalent state
44 ► Among 1A group metals the lightest metal is_________.
45 ► Which metal is more metallic in nature among 1A group elements?
46 ► Which element in 1A group does not form peroxides?
47 ► Which property among the following generally increases from top to bottom in a group 1A? 1. Electropositive, Density, Basic nature, classical reactivity
48 ► Which property among the following generally decreases from top to bottom in a group 1A? 1. Electropositive, Density, Basic nature, classical reactivity
49 ► Alkaline metals when dissolved in ammonium (NH3) act as better conductor and better reducing agent what is the reason behind it?
50 ► Which element in 1A group is lighter than water?
51 ► In the extraction of sodium by cartners process the by-products formed are.
52 ► In downs process sodium metal is extracted by the electrolysis of? In nelsons cell NaoH is prepared by electrolysis of.
53 ► What are the raw materials used for the precipitation of Na2Co3 by Solvay ammonium Process?
54 ► Give the chemical formula for Borax.
55 ► Give the formula for Peral Ash.
56 ► What are the compounds used for extraction of Gold and Silver?
57 ► Which is the most Abundant Alkaline earth element?
58 ► Which is the least abundant Alkaline earth element?
59 ► What is the Chemical formula for Epsom salt?
60 ► Why the 2A group elements are called Alkaline earth elements?
61 ► Give the formula for baking soda.
62 ► Dolomite is the ore of which element
63 ► What is the name for magnesium per chlorate and what is its formula?
64 ► Bleaching powder is obtained when cl2 is passes through.
65 ► What is the ratio of slaked lime and sand in mortar?
66 ► Which elements are present in Electron?
67 ► Which are the most abundant metal and third abundant element in the earth crust?
68 ► What is inert pair effect?
69 ► Name the family of third ‘A’ group elements
70 ► In 3rd, name ‘A’ group elements which is the Non metal
71 ► Among third A group elements which element is best conductor?
72 ► Name the elements for which Cryolite and Pelspar are the ores.
73 ► What is the process, by which Aluminium is refined?
74 ► Which process is used in welding the gaps in railway tracks?
75 ► What does Ammonal contain? For what purpose it is used.
76 ► What is Thermite mixture?
77 ► What are hydrides of boron called?
78 ► Which Univalent element cannot form Alums and why?
79 ► How do we prepare Diborane?
80 ► What is Banana bond? Diborane contains how many banana bonds
81 ► Give the formula of Borax. Borax is chemically called as.
82 ► Garnet is the ore of which element. Give its chemical formula.
83 ► How do you call fifth, ‘A’ group elements collectively?
84 ► Name the family of fifth ‘A’ group elements.
85 ► Which is the most reactive element in Nitrogen family?
86 ► How much amount of energy is required to break the Triple bond in nitrogen molecule?
87 ► How many sigma and pi bonds are present in nitrogen formula?
88 ► What are the important sources of Phosphorus?
89 ► Name two elements, which are Non-metallic in nature in 5th A group?
90 ► What is Allotropy?
91 ► Negative oxidation states of nitrogen are because.
92 ► What is the molecular formula, Structure, and bond angle of Phosphorous?
93 ► Allotrope form of phosphorous that conducts electricity is.
94 ► More volatile and least volatile hydrides in 5thA group are.
95 ► What is the Anhydride of N2O5?
96 ► Why nitrogen cannot form penta halides?
97 ► Ortho Phosphoric acid is. Give oxidation no of phosphorous in it.
98 ► What is the Super phosphate of lime?
99 ► Sixth group elements are called as.
100 ► What is the other name of sulphur?
101 ► Sulphur molecule exists as.
102 ► Which is element exhibit allotrope in the 6thA group?
103 ► Which is the most stable sulphur at room temperature?
104 ► Which oxo acids of sulphur contain S-S bonds?
105 ► Thio sulphuric acid is. What are the nature of acid and how many OH? Groups are present in it.
106 ► H2S2O7 is. Oxidation state of sulphur in it is.
107 ► Oil of Vitriol and king of chemicals is called.
108 ► What is the formula of Hypo in Oxidation state of sulphur?
109 ► How many elements are there in 3d-series of first transition series?
110 ► In 3d-series, which two elements exhibit an anomalous configuration?
111 ► In transition series the element with maximum Ionization energy is.
112 ► What is the element in third series the element with maximum oxidation state?
113 ► Why FE3+ ion is more stable than Fe2+ ion is?
114 ► Magnetic property exhibited by which of the following element? Fe, Co, Ni
115 ► Why the transition metal ions or compounds exhibit color?
116 ► In which oxidation state chromium exhibit different color?
117 ► The bond formed between the transition metal ion and ligand is?
118 ► Transitional metal Ions can form complex compounds by.
119 ► What is the oxidation number of transitional metals in carbonyl Compounds is?
120 ► Define Raoult’s law
121 ► Define Ionic product of water. What is its value?
122 ► What is PH? What are the units of PH?
123 ► PH of buffer solution is calculated by.
124 ► Name the best indicator
125 ► Chemical kinetics deals with study of.
126 ► What does Thermodynamics helps in predicting?
127 ► What does the expression -dc/dt indicates?
128 ► For every 10 degrees rise of temperature, the rate of reaction is generally.
129 ► Which equation gives the relation between specific rate (k) and Temperature?
130 ► In some reactions, Rate of reaction is directly proportional to.
131 ► Catalyst used in Bio-Chemical reactions is called.
132 ► Reactions catalyzed by light are called as.
133 ► Define order of reaction
134 ► Give the integrated equation for first order reaction.
135 ► Rate equation of first order reaction is.
136 ► What is Threshold energy?
137 ► What is activation energy?
138 ► Ina chemical reaction lowers the rate of reaction the greater will be.
139 ► How do you define the molecularity of a reaction?
140 ► Define Equilibrium state
141 ► Who proposed law of mass action? What does it states?
142 ► What is Kc?
143 ► The expression q=delta (E)-W is? What does it states?
144 ► What is Internal energy?
145 ► How can you determine the reaction, taking place at constant pressure delta (H)?
146 ► Define heat of Combustion
147 ► Define standard feat of formation
148 ► What does Hess law states?
149 ► What is the lattice energy of Nacl?
150 ► Which branch of science deals with the transformation of chemical energy into electrical energy and vice versa?
151 ► In electronic conductors, what is the reason for flow of current?
152 ► How can you determine the dissociation constants of electrolyte?
153 ► Define first law of Faraday
154 ► What is Galvanic cell?
155 ► Which electrode acts as reference electrode and gives its potential value?
156 ► Nelsons equation for any cell reaction is given by.
157 ► To calculate the e.m.f of the cell when does the nelsons equation is use?
158 ► Define the Phenomenon catenation. Which element has maximum Catenation ability?
159 ► Name the first synthetic organic compound. Who proposed it and from which compound?
160 ► What is function group?
161 ► What is Isomerism?
162 ► What is optical Isomerism? Which compounds exhibit optical Isomerism?
163 ► How can we calculate the number of possible optical Isomers for a given Compound?
164 ► What is racemic mixture? Why it is optically inactive?
165 ► What are dextrorotary compounds and Levi rotary compounds?
166 ► What are enantimorphs and diastereomers ?
167 ► Define Geometrical Isomerism.
168 ► Which form of isomers of a substance is more stable?
169 ► Why ethylene undergoes electrophilic addition reactions?
170 ► What is markownikoff’s rule?
171 ► What is kararch effect?
172 ► What is saytzeff’s rule?
173 ► Which type of reactions did Acetylene undergoes?
174 ► Polymers of vinyl chloride are.
175 ► What is Hoffman degradation method?
176 ► On what structural level of the enzyme (primary, secondary, tertiary, or quaternary) does the enzyme-substrate interaction depend?
177 ► What is the activation center of an enzyme? Is it the key or the lock of the lock and key model?
178 ► Why can it be said that the enzymatic action is highly specific?
179 ► What happen to a denaturated enzyme regarding its functionality? How that result can be explained with the help of the lock and key model?
180 ► What are the main factors that alter the speed of enzymatic reactions?
181 ► How does the substrate concentration affect the speed of enzymatic reactions?
182 ► How does temperature affect the action of enzymes upon their substrates?
183 ► Concerning enzymatic reactions how different, are the graphic curve of the variation of the speed of a reaction as function of substrate concentration and the curve of variation of the speed of a reaction as function of temperature?
184 ► How is the cooling of organs and tissues for medical transplantations associated with the effect of temperature upon enzymatic reactions?
185 ► Does pH affect the enzyme activity?
186 ► Do enzymes act better under acid or basic pH?
187 ► Since pepsin is a gastric enzyme does it, has acid or basic optimum pH? What happen to pepsin when it passes to the duodenum?
188 ► What are enzyme cofactors?
189 ► What is the relation between vitamins and enzyme cofactors?
190 ► For the enzymatic reaction what is the effect of a substance with the same spatial conformation of an enzymatic substrate? How is this type of substance known?
191 ► What is the action mechanism of the antibiotic penicillin?
192 ► What is the action mechanism of the antiretroviral drugs called protease inhibitors and used against HIV infection?
193 ► What are allosteric enzymes?
194 ► What are zymogens?
195 ► What are nucleic acids? What is the historic origin of this name?
196 ► Of what units are, nucleic acids constituted. What are the chemical entities that compose that unit?
197 ► What are pentoses? To what organic group do pentoses belong? Are nucleotides formed of only one type of pentose?
198 ► Into which two groups can the nitrogen-containing bases that form DNA and RNA be classified? What is the criterion used in that classification?
199 ► Which are the nucleotides “portions” that bind in the formation of nucleic acids? What is meant by the 5’ and 3’ extremities of nucleic acids?
200 ► Bacteria are prokaryotic cells, i.e., they do not have membrane-delimited nucleus. Eukaryotes have cells with delimited nucleus. Where in these types of cells can DNA are found?
201 ► Who were James Watson, Francis Crik and Maurice Wilkins?
202 ► According to the Watson - Crick Model how many polynucleotide chains does a DNA molecule has?
203 ► What is the rule for the pairing of nitrogen-containing bases in the DNA molecule and in the RNA? Is this last question appropriate?
204 ► What is the numeric relation between pyrimidine and purine bases in the DNA molecule? Is that relation valid in RNA molecules?
205 ► Which type of chemical bond maintains the pairing of each chain in the DNA molecule?
206 ► What is the name of the DNA duplication process? What is the main enzyme that participates in it?
207 ► Why is not it correct to assert that DNA self-replicates?
208 ► How do the two complementary nucleotide chains of the DNA facilitate the replication process of the molecule?
209 ► What are the chemical bonds of the DNA molecule that are broken for the replication process to occur?
210 ► Because of DNA replication, two DNA molecules come to existence. Why is not it correct to assert that two “new” DNA molecules are created? What is the name given to the process concerning that fact?
211 ► Does DNA replication occur in cell division?
212 ► One characteristic of the DNA molecule is its replication capability. What are the consequences of failures during DNA replication?
213 ► Where can RNA are found within cells?
214 ► Does RNA molecule have two polynucleotide chains likewise DNA?
215 ► How the production of RNA called? What is the enzyme that catalyzes the process?
216 ► What are similarities and differences between the transcription process and the replication processes?
217 ► What are the three main types of RNA? What is meant by heterogeneous RNA?
218 ► Concerning their biological function what is the difference between DNA and RNA?
219 ► Is there any situation in which DNA is made based on a RNA template? What is the enzyme involved?
220 ► What is the primary structure of a protein? What is the importance of the primary structure?
221 ► What is the secondary structure of a protein?
222 ► What is the difference between the alpha helix and the beta-sheet protein conformations?
223 ► What is the tertiary structure of a protein? What are the main types of tertiary structure?
224 ► What is the quaternary structure of a protein? Do all proteins have quaternary structure?
225 ► What is protein denaturizing? Is there any change in the primary structure when a protein is denaturized?
226 ► How can denaturizing be classified regarding its reversibility?
227 ► What are some factors that can lead to protein denaturizing?
228 ► Is it expected a change in the primary, in the secondary or in the tertiary structure of a protein to produce more functional consequences?
229 ► In sickle cell anemia, a hereditary disease, there is substitution of one amino acid by other in one of the four-polypeptide chains of hemoglobin. In this case, are all of the structural levels of the protein modified?
230 ► What is the difference between essential and natural amino acids?
231 ► What are respectively some remarkable functions of myosin, CD4, albumin, keratin, immunoglobulin, reverse transcriptase, hemoglobin, and insulin?
232 ► What are catalysts?
233 ► What amount of catalyst is consumed in the reaction it catalyzes?
234 ► What are enzymes? What is the importance of enzymes for the living beings?
235 ► What is meant by substrates of enzymatic reactions?
236 ► What are the main theoretical models that try to explain the formation of the enzyme-substrate complex?
237 ► How does the formation of the enzyme-substrate complex explain the reduction of the activation energy of chemical reactions?

2012-04-03 02:51:11

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