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#1 2012-04-03 04:00:55

From: Capital
Registered: 2012-03-16
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SilkTest Interview Questions And Answers

Applications Programs :: SilkTest Job Interview Questions and Answers

SilkTest Interview Questions and Answers will guide us now that SilkTest is an automation tool for testing the functionality of enterprise applications in most versions of Windows, Solaris 9 and 10, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS 2.1 and 3.0, s learn SilkTest or get preparation for the job of SilkTest with the help of this SilkTest Interview Questions with Answers guide

1 ► What is SilkTest?
2 ► What is SilkTest Host?
3 ► What is 4Test?
4 ► What is the VO browser extension?
5 ► I have recently encounterd a problem using Silk Test V3. When I record selecting a Menu Item it correctly records eg. Product.File.Exit.Pick()But when I play it back it just selects the File Menu and fails to select Exit. The File Menu is not dropped, it is just highlighted.The application is written in Visual C++ and is running on NT 4.A couple if the menu items to work but that is about 2 out of 15 items. I can work around the problem using the menu short cut keys but would prefer to be simulating using the mouse in some test cases. Any ideas?
6 ► How to close unexpected window?
7 ► What is the best way to create a new test script?
8 ► Is There any function for word count of web page is available in the SilkTest?
9 ► What is SilkTest project?
10 ► Is there any problem in using scripts created on v6.0 to 6.5 or higher versions?
11 ► What is the DOM browser extension?
12 ► What is SilkTest Agent?
13 ► What is the Segue Testing Methodology?
14 ► How to create a new SilkTest project?
15 ► What is a SilkTest Testplan?
16 ► How to get button caption?
17 ► What are the types of text lines in a testplan file?
18 ► How to add objects of other pages to a test frame?
19 ► What is the syntax of UI object identifier used by DOM extension?
20 ► What is stored in a test frame?
21 ► Prob regarding close the Child Window
22 ► I am investigating solutions for automating an Invisible Application and believe that using a Grid may solve many of my problems. Does anyone have any experience using this technique with Silk Test or know of any good resources I could contact.?
23 ► Retrieve text from disable textfield.Silk is not recognizing that disable object. How can I come to a conclusion?
24 ► How to maintain recovery system?
25 ► What are testplan attributes?
26 ► Problem with JavaJFCTable class.
27 ► How to write function in inc file?
28 ► How to record a test case?
29 ► How to write a Masterplan?
30 ► How to maintain global variable when script is run thru test plans?
31 ► How can we get the IP address of a PC?
32 ► Problem with the VerifyBitmap
33 ► How to link an error in the result file to the script file?
34 ► What are the functions offered by DBTester?
35 ► Need help to create Frame Work with Web testing 1) Should I do window declaration for each page 2) Should I do window declaration with multiple tag 3) Which multitag should I choose?
36 ► How to create group and sub group descriptions in a testplan? Can SilkTest Verify Locations of Ads?
37 ► GMO OnLine Trouble?
38 ► SilkTest runtime does not always get control (focus) after a test?
39 ► What is a test frame?
40 ► A problem with SilkTest seeing HTML Links as HTMLText?
41 ► How silktest recognize objects in UI? What it intenally calls to find out that the particular UI element is of which class etc?
42 ► How to get the integer value from a string ?
43 ► An application developed using Dotnet. and 1000 cases recorded for this application.All was working fine fine day...Some one changed the namespaces which are used by this application. The scripts have started failing because it is as good as having a new window or a panel in the application.Obviously, Silk does not recongnise this window.Now is there any way to tackle this problem other than recording the windows all over again.?
44 ► I have a GUI similar to Find Dialogue Box in Notepad..... Here the Check Box Match Case is recognized as Push Button and I want to check whether the check box has been checked or not..... I can not map a standard class PushButton to another class "CheckBox"....In the Window declaration I manually changed the PushButton class to CheckBox class but not working...Please suggest any solution?
45 ► WhaIs there a specific way to run a script from a point what I prefer, which is similar to run from cursor option in Winrunner? Any patch, adding, etc that enables this option in Silk.?
46 ► How to Setting Max value?
47 ► Can SilkTest switch browsers automatically?
48 ► Is there a better way to generate a random integer than SilkTests RandInt() function?
49 ► How to select a group of test cases in a testplan to run?
50 ► How does Silk do with People Soft applications?
51 ► Is this correct behavior for Silk or one of the idiosyncrasies of my non-standard windows?
52 ► Sessionids problem
53 ► How can I access empty string from excel sheet?
54 ► Need help regd. silk test runing thr .bat file on cmd prompt?
55 ► I ca not simple use DialogBox ( ).Close () from some reason it is not working?
56 ► Getting following error on selecting an item from a ListBox?
57 ► Need to get file size for a file present on Unix machine , thr silktest at run time. How to get it ?
58 ► How to read .xls file contents without using the ddt wizard?
59 ► I want to select sub menu -< what shuld I use ?
60 ► What is about .vtp file in silktest?
61 ► What .OPT file is used for?
62 ► Expain about data driven testing using silktest
63 ► How to access script from other machine?
64 ► I want to remove printing of this script of the test case in result window. How can I do this?
65 ► How to sort List of List of String?
66 ► How to hide Password in the script file?
67 ► Can anybody explain me, where does logs get stored for an activity performed in Silktest?
68 ► How to retrieve the decimal part of value stored in float variable. Also how to retrieve the Integer part? Is there a function?
69 ► Is there a way to handle this type of issue?
70 ► When I try to enable extensions for my browser i.e. IE, the following error occurs?
71 ► Need to use the relative paths in my SilkTest Project. How to change the absolute paths to relative paths?
72 ► I am trying to run a remote application in Windows 2003. But everytime time I am getting the following error:
73 ► How to down load latest silk test trial version?
74 ► How to change the absolute paths to relative paths?
75 ► what if the object is dynamically changing. How does silktest identifies the object?
76 ► How do I declare the tag, so that SilkTest recognizes only the beginnig of the text?
77 ► Can we integrate Silk Test with Quality Centre?
78 ► My requiremtn is to click a link in the web based application?
79 ► Runtime Error in Silk?
80 ► For automating a web based application using JSP
81 ► SilkTest vs. Visual Test?
82 ► How to create and edit a testplan?
83 ► How can I get password in SilkTest?
84 ► What are the default testplan attributes?
85 ► How to define new testplan attributes?
86 ► When invoking the java application there the application is getting invoked
87 ► How to assign attribute values to test cases?
88 ► How to create a test frame?
89 ► I am facing a strange problem in which Agent hangs only while executing my script for the first time
90 ► Problem in calling DLL functions.
91 ► What is DefaultBaseState?
92 ► What is the standard flow of execution of a test case?
93 ► How to hide all the comments from a script if required?
94 ► How to define an object verification in a test case?
95 ► How to run a test case from a test script file?
96 ► What is in the test result file?
97 ► What is DBTester?
98 ► While (FileReadLine (hFile, sMailData)) is not doing it for each line of the input file. How do I tell it to go on to the next line and add each string to the list and add the list to the master list of list?
99 ► How to create group and sub group descriptions in a testplan?
100 ► Uploaded the image of the application
101 ► How to define values for a testplan attribute?
102 ► Where are the testplan attributes stored?
103 ► Testing a product with both web and non-web interfaces. testscripts to test both and has had trouble configuring Silk to do this. using Silk 2.1 and is wondering whether upgrading to Silk 5.0 might help?
104 ► How DOM browser extension identify a Web application UI object?
105 ► What is multi-tagging?
106 ► How to specify a browser extension to a Web application?
107 ► How to test your DefaultBaseState?
108 ► What are the important aspects of a test case?
109 ► How to include a test case into a testplan?
110 ► How record a test case into a testplan automatically?
111 ► How to run a test case from a testplan file?
112 ► How to run all test cases in a testplan?
113 ► How to open an existing SilkTest project?
114 ► Where is a testplan stored?
115 ► How can I access a string from oracle DB?
116 ► Html Push button is not recognizing
117 ► How to do negative testing on webpage? Can I have to capture all error pages?
118 ► How actually ST works internally from developers point of view?
119 ► Has anyone had any experience using the Japanese version of SilkTest?
120 ► On the test GUI there is Cancel button and the hot key for that is Alt-c?
121 ► Does anybody know the escape sequence for space in Silk Test?
122 ► How to write the single silk statement in two lines?
123 ► I want to set current path run time?
124 ► How can we use more than one browser in silktest. Suppose I want to use three browser how do write script for this case?
125 ► How to get contents of a web page? (For Ex: Yahoo homepage)?
126 ► For a registration purpose I am entering some data?
127 ► Any ideas how to customize the default recovery system in order to close dialog boxes?
128 ► What is the solution for this?
129 ► How can we Increase the virtual memory in Silk Test?
130 ► What is the meaning of the Automation framework especially in SilkTest?
131 ► How to automate .Net application?
132 ► I would like to verify the title of the new browser window that just popped after clicling link?
133 ► Trying to create a datadriven tests
134 ► Whether it will help you to get good opportunities on Silk after certification?
135 ► Executing more than one testcase. suppose in first testcase has one functions that is returning some string value. How to use first test case value into second test case?
136 ► How to launch 2 web application windows simultaneously thru Silktest?
137 ► How to search for html link?
138 ► How to validate that the data inserted via silktest is successfully inserted and the record of each user is found in the database?
139 ► What I have to do to use the same scripts for web based testing?
140 ► To verify the file, the two files are same and also check whether the data in it is also correct How to do it using verify function?
141 ► Is there a way by which the different components within the calendar be recongnised by silktest?
142 ► How load testing can be done with silk international?
143 ► Does we need to make changes in window declaration dialog box?
144 ► What is AUT?
145 ► Is that because the RDC locks the desktop when I disconnect?
146 ► Can SilkTest run on Mac?

2012-04-03 04:00:55

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