Can anybody explain me, where does logs get stored for an activity performed in Silktest?
Submitted by: AdministratorAnswer1:
Following command will export the log in text format.
"c:program filesseguesilktestpartner.exe" -complog "c:logs.txt"
-resextract -r "C:sample.pln"
By default, Silk doesn't create log files, it create a .res files. They are binary files and .log giles are usually text files.
However if you call partner.exe from the command line with the -resextract it will create a copy of the .res file as .txt.
These files are created in the directory where the .t file or .pln file that is executed are located.
Submitted by: Administrator
Following command will export the log in text format.
"c:program filesseguesilktestpartner.exe" -complog "c:logs.txt"
-resextract -r "C:sample.pln"
By default, Silk doesn't create log files, it create a .res files. They are binary files and .log giles are usually text files.
However if you call partner.exe from the command line with the -resextract it will create a copy of the .res file as .txt.
These files are created in the directory where the .t file or .pln file that is executed are located.
Submitted by: Administrator
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