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#1 2012-04-03 04:09:06
Painter Interview Questions And Answers
Other Professions :: Painter Job Interview Questions and Answers
Painting Interview Questions and Answers will guide us now that the Painting is the practice of applying paint, pigment, color or other medium to a surface. In art, the term describes both the act and the result, which is called a painting. Paintings may have for their support such surfaces as walls, paper, canvas, wood, glass, lacquer, clay or concrete. So learn Painting by this Painter Interview Questions with Answers guide
1 ► From how many years are you engaged in painting?
2 ► Have you ever been involved in sketching some criminal faces?
3 ► How many times you would like to see me before painting me on any paper?
4 ► Who is your role model as far as painting is concerned?
5 ► At what rate are your paintings sold?
6 ► Why do you want to work as a painter?
7 ► Why should we appoint you for this post?
8 ► What are the essential tools of a painter?
9 ► What is your work knowledge?
10 ► Mention some of the important skills that relate to this position?
11 ► How do I get started painting?
12 ► What is the first step after priming?
13 ► How do I wash?
14 ► How do I drybrush?
15 ► How do I highlight?
16 ► What should I use for bases?
17 ► What kind of miniatures should I start with?
18 ► How do I convert miniatures?
19 ► What kind of glue should I use?
20 ► How can I paint details?
21 ► How do I paint faces?
22 ► How do I paint insignia?
23 ► How do I keep paint from drying out?
24 ► How/where do I get miniatures?
25 ► How do you do snow bases?
26 ► What kinds of paints do you use?
27 ► What do you use for pinning joints?
28 ► What do you use to prime your figures? Do you prime black or prime white?
29 ► Will you do a painting guide CD Rom or booklet?
30 ► Which figure lines do you like painting the most?
31 ► How long have you been painting?
32 ► What brushes do you use?
33 ► What kind of camera do you use?
34 ► What kind of lights do you use?
35 ► Do you use an OTT-Lite?
36 ► What are some of the tools you find useful in your work area?
37 ► What do you use for bases?
38 ► What are some colors you ca not live without, or use very frequently?
39 ► Who are your favorite painters?
40 ► What music do you listen to while painting?
41 ► How do you paint red?
42 ► How do you thin your paints?
43 ► How do you paint rusty metallics?
44 ► How do you paint rusty NMM?
45 ► Where did you learn all your tricks and techniques?
46 ► How do you do grass on a base?
47 ► What are your pet peeves?
48 ► What do you use to dry your brushes while painting?
49 ► What do you use to strip paint off minis?
50 ► What kind of glue do you use?
51 ► Is it enough for you?
2012-04-03 04:09:06
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