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#1 2012-04-03 04:09:12

From: Capital
Registered: 2012-03-16
Posts: 23,140

Chef Interview Questions And Answers

Other Professions :: Chef Job Interview Questions and Answers

Chef Interview Questions and Answers will guide us now that a chef is a person who cooks professionally. In a professional kitchen setting, the term is used only for the one person in charge of everyone else in the kitchen the executive chef. So learn basic Chef knowledge by this Chef Interview Questions with Answers guide

1 ► What is a K-5 Kitchen Aid?
2 ► What skill branch should I go up first?
3 ► Do I need factories? How do they work?
4 ► I keep seeing recipes requiring milk, where do I get it?
5 ► How do the experimental percentages affect the food s stats?
6 ► Funniest kitchen incident?
7 ► Favorite food to cook with?
8 ► When at home, what do you like to eat?
9 ► Your favorite cookbook?
10 ► Does experimenting on components affect the final food?
11 ► What is the difference between a Personal Chef & a Private Chef?
12 ► How do you know what I like in my diet?
13 ► How will my meals be packaged?
14 ► How much freezer space do you need?
15 ► Do you have to prepare the meals in my home?
16 ► How long will you be in my home? Should I be there?
17 ► What type of side dishes do you prepare?
18 ► What if I want you to prepare additional side dishes as well?
19 ► How long will the food last us?
20 ► Is it possible to custom design a service?
21 ► Can I order half the regular service?
22 ► How many meals can I have prepared for my family?
23 ► Do you have formal training?
24 ► How long does it take you to prepare the meals?
25 ► What is your specialty?
26 ► Do I need to do anything special to prepare for your arrival?
27 ► How is the food packaged?
28 ► Why use a personal chef service?
29 ► What areas do you service?

2012-04-03 04:09:12

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