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#1 2012-04-03 04:10:14
Secretarial Interview Questions And Answers
Other Professions :: Secretarial Job Interview Questions and Answers
Secretarial Interview Questions and Answers
1 ► Describe how your work experience relates to this job?
2 ► What software packages are you comfortable with?
3 ► What sort of documents have you produced on Excel? What is the most complicated thing you have done on Excel?
4 ► What sort of word documents have you been responsible for typing?
5 ► What experience do you have with planning meetings
6 ► Describe how you handled your managers work schedule?
7 ► How have you gone about prioritizing your work?
8 ► What sort of correspondence were you responsible for generating?
9 ► What kind of inquiries did you have to respond to?
10 ► Describe what record-keeping you were responsible for.
11 ► What sort of confidential information did you have to deal with?
12 ► What cash handling experience do you have?
13 ► Tell me about the managers you worked for?
2012-04-03 04:10:14
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