Interviewer And Interviewee Guide

Professional Aerospace Engineering Interview Questions & Answers:

1. Aerospace Engineering interview questions part 5:

What do you understand by Aerodynamics/performance analysis?
What will be the responsibility of the spacecraft operations, dynamics, and controls?
What would you do if your Captain were not following the instructions properly?
When can one deviate from any flight rules and regulations?
Without Air Traffic Control, what is the minimum descent rate you can descend the plane?
You are about to take off the plane in few seconds and a catastrophic engine fails, and your captain tells you not to take off and just stay in the center line. What would you do?
How would you handle the extreme pressure during emergency if you know that plane is not safe and it might crash anytime?
What operational benefits do hydraulic actuator/rate controls have over gas charged units?
How do I decide which is the best technology to solve my vibration isolation problem?
What is isolation efficiency?

2. Aerospace Engineering interview questions part 4:

When a pilot is assigned a speed, how much can one deviate from that speed?
Without Air Traffic Control, what is the minimum descent rate you can descend the plane?
How would you handle the extreme pressure during emergency situation if you know that plane is not safe and it might crash anytime?
How important is to get the passengers switch off the mobile phones and laptops during land off? What could be the consequences?
How many types of emergency landings are there and explain?
What are the three tactical elements of electronic warfare?
What are the main areas in Aviation?
What is the requirement to become a Professional Engineer (PE) in the field of Aerospace?
Explain the differences between Aeronautical Engineering and astronautical engineering?
Does the knowledge of mathematics of Science is required to get into aerospace engineering?

3. Aerospace Engineering Interview Questions Part 3:

What is the requirement to become a Professional Engineer (PE) in the field of Aerospace?
What made you choose aerospace engineer line as your career?
Explain the day to day responsibilities of Aerospace engineering?
Explain the differences between Aeronautical Engineering and astronautically engineering?
What do you understand by Aerodynamics/performance analysis?
What will be the responsibility of the spacecraft operations, dynamics and controls?
What is the testing done in aerospace engineering?
How would you handle if your co-worker is not co-operating with you?
What would you do if your Captain is not following the instructions properly?
When can one deviate from any flight rules and regulations?

4. Aerospace Engineering Interview Questions Part 2:

Why the stall of the swept wing tends to occur at the tips first?
Why the fuselage of the pressurized aircraft is made of circular cross section?
Can we put engines on the end of a wing? If not, then why?
What is ram jet?
Why refrigeration is done inside aircraft, and why aircraft body is made of aluminum's?
Does not simplification of complex honeycomb designed for thermal protection system of are usable launch vehicles jeopardize the accuracy of results?
Are thermal protection systems of space craft's commonly composed of one panel or a collection of smaller tiles?
What is the highest temperature the space shuttle under surface experiences during its mission?
Explain how you overcame a major obstacle?
What are the main areas in Aviation?

5. Aerospace Engineering Interview Questions Part 1:

Why the fuselage of the pressurized aircraft is made of circular cross section?
Can we put engines on the end of a wing? If not, then why?
What is ram jet?
Why you would like to join the aviation industry?
Doesn't simplification of complex honeycomb designed for thermal protection system of are usable launch vehicle jeopardize the accuracy of results?
Why insulating tiles on reusable launch vehicles must be isolated from one another?
Are thermal protection systems of space craft's commonly composed of one panel or a collection of smaller tiles?
Why are all shear loads and twisting moments set to zero for the preliminary design phase of TPS?
How difficult is to mould and shape graphite epoxies compared with alloys or ceramic that may be used for thermal protective applications?
What is the highest temperature the space shuttle undersurface experiences during its mission?

6. Do you know what is the role performed by category C personnel in maintenance of aircraft?

Category C personnel are responsible for maintaining the management role of controlling the progress of the base maintenance inspections and seeing the work that is getting performed. These handle the category B and category A staff and monitor their work. They are responsible for ensuring the good work that will be carried out by providing the certification of maintenance. Category C personnel upon the completion of the maintenance job done by the base maintenance staff provides the certificate to allow the servicing of the aircraft to proceed. This way the people working in the staff become eligible to perform and provide services for flight.

7. Can you please explain the difference between in the job performed by line maintenance certifying staff and base maintenance certifying staff?

The difference that exists between the two is that line maintenance certifying staff has the responsibility to inspect, rectify and perform the related or associated maintenance activities on the aircraft on the airfield. Whereas, the base maintenance certifying staff, perform the maintenance activities away from the live aircraft areas.

The maintenance that is being performed by the line maintenance staff is restricted to use limited tools, and equipments that are present on the site to perform the first line diagnostic maintenance. Whereas, Base maintenance certifying staff is associated with the line maintenance staff as it requires inspecting and performing complex modification in the aircraft carriers.

8. Do you know what is the main source of power in aircraft?

The main source of power is the hydraulic motor that is provided by the scheduled service and involves operations that allow technicians to solve complex system problems. This setup required certifying the technician to operate all the system the same way as it is been done with one system. The hydraulic motor needs to be operated the same way and maintained in a proper way. The alignment need to in synchronization with the aircraft auxiliary power unity (APU) before anything is done with the aircraft positioning. A standard need to, be followed to maintain the aircrafts and its parts equipped and working.

9. Do you know what are the operations performed by category B technicians?

Category B consists of two sectors in the field of maintenance and they are divided in B1 and B2 with certain roles. The operations performed by Category B technicians are as follows:

► Activities related to scheduled on field inspections for aircraft maintenance.
► Activities of complex rectification
► Fault diagnosis on aircraft systems and their equipment's.
► Modification and performing special instruction to monitor and manage the system
► Repairing of air-frame and other aircraft's
► Activities performed like removal of aircraft components and fitting the required parts.
► Use of BITE (built-in test equipment) and diagnostic equipment's to perform repair tasks.
► Supervising and certifying the work of other technicians involved in it.

10. Explain the major sectors involved in aircraft maintenance?

There are two major sectors involved in aircraft maintenance and these are handled by certifying technician in the field of support and maintenance. These are divided into two sectors as:

► Category B1 (mechanical): these are the maintenance technicians that have good knowledge regarding the working of air-frame, engine, electrical power systems and equipment. It also requires additional knowledge of aircraft structures and materials.
► Category B2 (avionic): this deals with the integrated knowledge of aircraft equipment's, electrical, instrument and radar related systems. They undergo proper training to handle the aircraft equipment's and gain practical experience to deal with day to day activities.

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