Interviewer And Interviewee Guide

Top Cabin Crew Manager Interview Questions & Answers:

1. Explain me something about your family background?

First, always feel proud while discussing about your family background. Just simple share the details with the things that how they influenced you to work in an airline field.

2. Explain me what are your hobbies?

This is mostly a trick question, testing again for your general people skills and enjoyment of team-based activities. While you shouldn't lie for this question – or any – you should consider placing a larger emphasis on the hobbies you enjoy in the company of others. Sports, for instance, will give you a chance to hint at your leadership and cooperative abilities. If you say something like cooking, and hosting dinner parties, it will let you show off your hospitality skills, and ability to manage many people at once. This activity also isn't presumably done alone.

3. Explain if you were an animal, which one would you want to be?

Interviewers use this type of psychological question to see if you can think quickly. If you answer ‘a bunny', you will make a soft, passive impression. If you answer ‘a lion', you will be seen as aggressive. What type of personality will it take to get the job done? So answer this question smartly matching with your personality.

4. Explain how much do you expect to get paid?

For this be prepared and research salary to find out what similar positions are paying in your area before you go to the interview. Try to find this information out before giving your salary expectations. You can and should provide a range instead of an exact number. But again, don't say any numbers you're not comfortable with because if the employer offers you a salary at the lowest end of your range, you don't have much to negotiate with when it comes to getting a higher salary.

5. Tell me what do you mean by stalling of aircraft?

When the wing can't generate or produce enough lift to support weight of the airplane the airplane stalls. The angle at which it happens is called the critical angle of attack. Stalling of aircraft can occur at any speed.

6. Do you know what is Aqua-planing?

It is a condition where a standing water, snow or slush makes a layer on the ground which causes the moving wheel of an aircraft to lose contact with the aircraft, due to which braking action on the wheel fails or becomes less operative, reducing the friction between the wheels and the ground.

7. Explain what you can bring or contribute to this airline?

The best way to answer questions about your contributions to the airline is to give examples of what you have accomplished in the past, and to relate them to what you can achieve in the future.
Describe specific examples of how effective you have been in your other positions, change you have implemented, and goals you have achieved. Talk about the depth and breadth of related experience that you have. Also, relate your abilities to the employer's goals. You will want to let the interviewer know that you have the skills necessary to do the job they are hiring for.

8. Explain me what are your interests?

When a interviewer asks you questions about your interests outside of work, he's not just making idle chitchat. The interviewer is trying to find out more about you as a person, including how well-rounded you are and how your mind works, as well as how your personal traits contribute to your job performance. Prepare for this line of discussion by thinking about what the employer is really trying to assess with his questions.

9. Explain me what creates the strange sounds you hear prior to take off and landing?

The drilling sound you hear during landing and take-off is the sound of the flaps and slats being extended on the wings. These panels are driven by a screw mechanism that causes the sounds; it increases the area and curvature of the wing when extended to facilitate low-speed flying.

10. What is Jet Lag?

Jet lag is also referred as time zone change syndrome. When people travel through plane rapidly from west to east or east to west, they will feel Jet lag. In this syndrome, your body clock or biological clock get disturbed and there will change in your daily activities like sleeping, eating, body temperature and even you might feel sleepy, drowsy and tired.

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