Behavioral Groupware Servers Interview Questions & Answers:
1. Groupware Servers interview questions part 10:
What is the role of SQL in groupware servers?
What is a RPC?
What is DHCP?
What is the use of SSL?
What is an HTTPS port?
2. Groupware Servers interview questions part 9:
What is a proxy?
What is a proxy server and what are their functions?
Explain the function of an object server?
What is a transaction server?
What are super servers?
3. Groupware Servers interview questions part 8:
What is a file server?
What is a calendar server?
What are database servers?
What is an alias in reference to servers?
What is a server port?
4. Groupware Servers interview questions part 7:
Explain the conceptual model of the NSTP?
What is centralized state sharing?
What do you understand by place browsing?
What is the difference between email and BB`s?
What is a structured message system?
5. Groupware Servers interview questions part 6:
How groupware servers are different form middleware server?
What do you understand by 3-tier architecture?
Explain 2-tier architecture.
How is load balancing implemented in a server?
What is NSTP?
6. Groupware Servers interview questions part 5:
What the difference is between centralized and replicated in reference to groupware?
What is middleware?
What is a service specific middleware?
Explain the fat server model.
Explain the fat client model.
7. Groupware Servers interview questions part 4:
What functions does a groupware server perform?
What are the prerequisites of hosting a groupware server?
Explain the client server architecture used in groupware servers?
What are feedback and network delays?
What are the different architectures in groupware?
8. Groupware Servers interview questions part 3:
What are the different types of permissions that can be defined for a groupware?
How is data integrity maintained in a groupware severs?
What are the standard data formats used in a groupware servers?
What do you understand by asymmetrical protocols?
What is LDAP in reference to groupware servers?
9. Groupware Servers interview questions part 2:
What is WebDAV?
What is BSCW?
What is DReSS?
Explain a groupware connector?
What are the components of a groupware framework?
10. Groupware Servers interview questions part 1:
What is groupware?
How can groupware be classified?
What are the advantages of using a groupware server?
What are the shortcomings of a groupware server?
Name a few groupware solutions?