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Fresh Web Logic Server Interview Questions & Answers:

1. Do you know what is the local interface used by web logic server?

EJB is used with the web logic server and provides the mechanism of remote method invocation using the JAVA API's. The support is extended to CORBA that is used to transport these remote calls using RMI/IIOP protocols. This interface provided flexibility and performance by increasing the development of the application. EJB supports the local interface mechanism to allow streamlined calls to the bean if a caller is in the same container. This doesn't include any overhead that is usually involved with RMI when using the marshalling feature. The interfaces provide the foundation for the container managed relationships between the entity beans.

2. Do you know what is the purpose of T3 in WebLogic Server?

T3 provides a framework for WebLogic Server messages this includes the necessary support for the enhancements of the services that needs to be given. T3 framework includes certain features like object replacement and tunneling concept used in the clustering of the web logic servers. T3 uses Java Object Serialization and RMI, to provide the object and communication from one server to another server remotely. T3 is a framework that connects the web logic server with the programmatic clients. T3 uses protocols such as HTTP and IIOP to communicate between the processes and web logic servers.

3. Tell me what are the steps involved in configuring the JMS?

• Start web logic server and go to console.
• Select JMS, to configure anything create a store and create a new JMS file.
• Create a new connection and add it to the JDBC connection pool.
• Select the target server. Select the template that needs to be applied on the JMS.
• Select a server or create a new JMSServer, this server will consist of the JMS that will be booted when the system or the server will be turned on.
• Create destinations in which the query from the JMS server will get stored.
• Create connection factories by typing in the name and JNDI name. The targets can be selected from here to deploy the connection factory.

4. Explain what is the procedure to configure JMS security?

Open the web logic server console and select ACLs in the tree view. To configure the JMS security there is a need to create a control list. The procedure is as follows:
1. Set ACL name like weblogic.jms.queue.QUEUENAME or weblogic.jms.topic.TOPICNAME.
2. Create it with new permission that include send and receive permissions.
3. Create users of groups list and set the permissions for it. Save the changes of implementation and exit.
The procedure will update the file with the statements given below: acl.send.weblogic.jms.queue.myQueue=user

5. Do you know how can third-party JDBC driver be used with JMS?

Web logic server supports the JDBC drivers that are included and with other databases as well. The JDBC drivers if not present then the JMS has to be created manually. If it is present then it just has to be included. The files that are used having .ddl extension that is located in weblogic/jms/ddl directory of the weblogic.jar file and this can be used as a template. The jar utility that is supplied can be extracted with JDK using the following command:
jar xf weblogic.jar weblogic/jms/ddl
After the extraction the drivers gets copied to the specified location and then they can be inserted in the application by going the console. This will automatically create the database tables for the JDBC store. This is easier to configure and provide better performance in compare to other methods.

6. Do you know what is the function of ManagedConnection.addConnectionEventListener() in web logic server?

This function is used in EJB to call ConnectionFactory.getConnection() that connects to the EIS. It is a part of the Resource adapter and the application server. This is called to listen to an event that is taking place on the entire server whose data is present. This allows the connection to be established between the two servers and used to get the connection details for the new server. This function manages all the connections that are in the list and adds the connection whenever there is a requirement and the need.

7. Tell me how is the security handled in Web logic J2EE Connector Architecture?

The security is quite strict when it comes to add new servers or update an existing one. The current configuration includes the information of all the connections that are established with the main server and it consists of the packaging requirements for the resource adapters in web logic servers. The server provides password protection and encryption method to increase the security of the overall standards. All the passwords are present in the file weblogic-ra.xml. The web logic server provides a converter tool that allows the information to be encrypted and made password protected. This converter tool is present in standard weblogic.jar file.

8. Explain where are the files placed while deploying the resource adapter in web logic server?

The resource files are represented in CLASSPATH and the resource adapters are also mentioned there. The server instance includes the deployment of EJB and resource adapter in the form of .rar file format. The EJB consists of no dependencies as it is being written on the common client interface (CCI). EJB client is used to communicate with one another and it consists of message sending mechanism. EJB is having the parameter classes that are defined in .rar file format. EJB uses the class loaders also maintaining a hierarchy that is defined in the .rar specific class. When the instance is being passed as an argument to the EJB the application server de-serialize the object and sends the message to the servers of its deactivation.

9. Explain what are the databases that are available to be used with the Web logic J2EE connector architecture?

There are two databases that can be used with the Web logic J2EE connector architecture and these databases are as follows:
1. Cloudscape database: This is the default database that is used with the architecture and this consists of the samples that contain the resource adapter representing the database system. The configuration of this is set in weblogic-ra.xml file that contains the cloudscape datasource.
2. Oracle database: The settings of cloudscape can be replaced by oracle settings. The resources that are provided consist of the JDBC support, hence it can use any database for which the resources can be configured and represented.

10. Do you know what are the steps involved in setting up CLASSPATH in web logic server?

The steps involved in setting up the CLASSPATH in web logic server are as follows:
• Start the web logic server and open the setting option where the CLASSPATH is being mentioned. This includes the option of starting and stopping the web logic server.
• Open the web logic distribution shell script and start the server. The script is located in the config directory and it is used to set up the CLASSPATH variable automatically as soon as the server script starts.
• While compiling the application classes or using the web logic utilities, the CLASSPATH can be set and right entries can be made to the configuration file.

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