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Fresh Windows Server 2003 Interview Questions & Answers:

1. Explain what is apipa?

APIPA-Automatic Private IP Addressing
in case of dhcp server if not found then the apipa assigns ip address automatically for the client with the already configured ip addresses ranges from it searchs for dhcp server automatically after every 5 mins, if found then it replaces the dhcp dynamic address.

2. What is SOA Record?

Start Of Authority(SOA) Records indicate that NameServer is authoritative server for the domain.

3. What is Exclusion Range in DHCP Server?

Exclusion Range is used to reserve a bank of ip addresses so computer that require only static ip address such as DNS servers, legacy printers can use reserved assigned addresses .These are not assigned by DHCP server.

4. What is Virtual Directory in IIS?

A virtual server can have one home directory and any number of other publishing directories. These other publishing directories are referred to as virtual directories.

5. Specify the Port Number for AD, DNS, DHCP, HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, POP3 & FTP?

AD- uses LDAP Udp 389 and
UDP 135,
DNS- 53,
POP3-110 &

6. Explain the functionality of FTP Server?

The FTP server is to accept incoming FTP requests. Copy or move the files that you want to make available to the FTP publishing folder for access. The default folder is drive:InetpubFtproot, where drive is the drive on which IIS is installed
In the client-server model, a file server is a computer responsible for the central storage and management of data files so that other computers on the same network can access the files. A file server allows users to share information over a network without having to physically transfer files by floppy diskette or some other external storage device.

7. Explain how to publish printer through AD?

The group policy setting ‘Automatically publish new printers in AD' when disabled, prevents the Add Printer Wizard from automatically publishing shared printers. In addition, Group policy setting ‘Allow printers to be published' should be enabled(default) for printers to be published on that computers.

8. Explain Backup Methodology?

The different types of backup methodologies are:

► Normal Backup:-This is default backup in which all files are backed up even if it was backed up before.
► Incremental Backup:-In this type of backup only the files that haven't been backed up are taken care of or backed up.
► Differential Backup:-This backup is similar to incremental backup because it does not take backup of those files backed up by normal
backup but different from incremental because it will take backup of differentially backed up files at next time of differential backup.
► Copy Backup:-This type of backup is which is used during system state backup and asr backup. It is used in special conditions only.
► Daily Backup:-This type of backup takes backup of only those files that are created on that particular day.
► System Backup:-This type of backup takes backup of files namely, Boot file, COM+Class Registry, Registry. But in server it takes
backup of ads.
► ASR Backup:-This type of backup takes backup of entire boot partition including OS and user data. This should be the last
troubleshooting method to recover an os from disaster.

9. What is Quotas?

Disk Quota is a feature or service of NTFS which helps to restrict or manage the disk usage from the normal user. It can be implemented per user user per volume basis.By default it is disabled. Administrative privilege is required to perform the task. In 2003server we can control only drive but in 2008server we can establish quota in folder level.

10. How will map a folder through AD?

Navigate domain user properties->give path in profile tab in the format servernamesharename.

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