Interviewer And Interviewee Guide

Behavioral Political Science Interview Questions & Answers:

1. What do the course numbers mean?

The political science department offers courses at the 100 and 200 level. The 100-level courses are the same political science courses one would take at the freshman level at a university, such as Political Science 103.

The 200-level political science courses are the same political science courses one would take at the sophomore level at a university. You do not have to take the courses in numerical order, although the 100-level courses usually provide a background in political science that you might find helpful in a 200-level course.

2. Can a capstone count as my seminar?

It can, but rarely does. Only capstones specifically designated as carrying POLS credit, and cross-listed with Political Science, count though when they do, they satisfy both requirements at once.

3. Can I meet major requirements with courses taken off campus?

Yes, though no more than two courses can transfer as major credits, and both will need to be approved by the department chair. If, however, the courses were taken at one of the Bucknell-in programs (in London, Grenada, Tours, Barbados, or Northern Ireland), they count as regular Bucknell credits, and do not count against the two-course limit. For those studying abroad, it is strongly recommended that the core courses be completed before leaving campus. These courses cannot be taken as part of the study-abroad program.

4. Who is Amicus Curiae?

Friend of the court that mean The name for a brief filed with the court by someone who is not a party to the case.

5. Does law school require a Political Science/International Studies major?

While most of our pre-law students are Political Science and International Studies majors, it is not a requirement for admission to law school. McDaniel has many pre-law students who major in Economics, Sociology, English, Biology, and History among others.

6. How do I minor in Political Science?

There are five minor programs in Political Science, outlined in the catalog: a general minor, and four others built around each of the four subfields. Each requires five courses. You declare the minor AFTER you have taken the courses. When you are ready, fill out the necessary form, available at the office of the Dean of Arts and Sciences, and have the form signed by the department chair.

7. What Is Political Science?

Political Science is an academic field in the social sciences that explores political processes, political systems, political behavior and the structure and purpose of government and public policy. Political Science encompasses dozens of smaller areas, such as political theory, political economy and international relations.

9. Where is the objective of Social Justice included in the Constitution of India?

It is prescribed under Directive Principles of State Policy <br>from Article 36-51.

10. Which courses can I take to help me decide?

The place to begin a sampling of the McDaniel political science curriculum is the entry-level course PSI 1101 Introduction to Political Science. Once you?ve completed that, you?re open to courses in our two major areas.

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