Interviewer And Interviewee Guide

Operational Survey Interview Questions & Answers:

1. Most people in this community are willing to help if you need it.

1. Strongly Agree
2. Agree
3. Neutral
4. Disagree
5. trongly Disagree

2. Most people who live in this community can be trusted?

1. Strongly Agree
2. Agree
3. Neutral
4. Disagree
5. trongly Disagree

3. How old are you?

1. Younger than 17
2. 17-19
3. 20-22
4. 23 or above

4. What is your class standing?

1. Freshman
2. Sophomore
3. Junior
4. Senior
5. Graduate Student
6. Other (Please describe)

5. In preparing for the tour, overall these materials were:

1. ____Very useful
2. ____Fairly useful
3. ____Of no use

7. If you did not use any interpretive aids today, why not?

1. ____Didn't know they existed
2. ____Not comfortable using technology
3. ____Rental cost was too high
4. ____Audiotapes required a specific route
5. ____Other

9. Would you have paid $15.00?

1. ____Yes
2. ____No

10. Did you feel the ticket price of $10.00 for tonights event was:

1. ____too low
2. ____reasonable
3. ____too high

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